
The Quit Forever System: How to Quit Smoking Forever Review

The Quit Forever System is a revolutionary audio hypnosis program designed by Michael Gittins to help smokers quit smoking forever! But how does it work and will it create real results for you?

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Many of our readers may be well aware of the fact that smoking and tobacco consumption is the leading cause of many preventable diseases in the United States today. From a statistical standpoint, we can see that a total of around 40 million individuals in the USA smoke cigarettes on a day-to-day basis. Of this number, it is estimated that at least 4.7 million of these users are kids (who are reportedly in middle or high school).

In addition to all this, data available on the official CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) website clearly states that more than half a million Americans die as a direct result of either smoking tobacco or because of inhaling second-hand smoke. If that wasn’t enough, it is estimated that more than 16 million people in the USA are forced to live with a host of diseases that are a direct consequence of their unhealthy smoking habits.

Additionally, it also bears mentioning that thanks to the ever-increasing tobacco consumption in the United States, the country’s healthcare industry is able to rake in more than $170 billion in medical care costs alone. To put things into perspective, this mammoth figure is more than the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of some small countries like Hungary, Kuwait and Morocco.

With that being said, the Quit Forever System is a step-by-step program that seeks to help smokers wean away from their habit of incessant smoking in a pragmatic and practical manner. It was devised by Michael Gittins, a tobacco addict who started smoking a pack per day in his early teens. In a recent interview, he was told by reporters that he started smoking cigarettes as a way to reduce his stress and tensions levels as well as to increase his overall capacity to focus.

Click Here to Check Out The Quit Forever System Today


What is the Quit Forever System? Does it Really Work?

In its most basic sense, the Quit Forever System can be envisioned as a tobacco quitting program that claims to exploit a mental loophole that helps weed out the desire to smoke from the human mind by reprogramming an individual’s subconscious memory bank. To be a bit more specific, the creator of Quit Forever claims that the technique involves hypnosis (along with other mind mapping tools) that have been scientifically shown to eliminate the desire for tobacco from its very root.

Additionally, the program also offers a number of other small benefits such as:

(i) No weight gain: Quite often, quitting cigarette smoking can result in an individual putting on excess weight due to a number of different reasons such as changing body chemistry/composition, overeating, etc. However, Quit Forever offers instant results that do not require people to go through a phase of tobacco withdrawal.

(ii) No Mood Swings: It is quite common for smokers to feel extremely anxious, nervous once they quit. However, thanks to the unique way in which this program rewires the human mind, no such mood swings are encountered by the user.

(iii) Easy to Implement: The audio file — which is essentially the key component of the program — needs to be played by the user for a period of 20 minutes per day. The audio is designed to penetrate the listener’s subconscious and make him/her start to hate cigarettes.

Lastly, it is worth pointing out that the product website clearly states that the Quit Forever system does not have a 100% success rate. However, most people who have used the program claim to have extracted some sort of benefit from it.

Other Key Essentials Worth Pointing Out

Lifetime Access: Once, the one-time payment to purchase the program has been completed, users are provided with lifetime access to the official Quit Forever website.

Prevents Relapses: Unlike some anti-smoking chewing gums and patches, Quit Forever helps eliminate the issue of tobacco addiction straight from its source. This is because it helps reprogram the mind to create a dislike for the taste of smoking itself. Once the body naturally starts to reject the taste of tobacco, there is really no incentive left to smoke. In addition to all of this, the program also helps users set benchmarks (through the use of meditation and mindfulness-based techniques) so that they can keep the habit away forever.

60 day Money Back Guarantee: Users have the option to apply for a full refund — within a period of sixty days — in case they feel the program hasn’t really helped them

Savings: It is estimated that most smokers spend anywhere between $1,000-$3,000 on cigarettes per year. Through the use of this program, users can save quite a bit on these insane costs and put this money to much better use.

Free Goodies Included in the Deal

Users who purchase the Quit Forever system are also given access to two other programs absolutely free of cost. These include:

(i) The Defeat Depression System — Estimated to be worth $137, the Defeat Depression system is designed to help smokers suffering from low self-esteem and depression tackle their problems head-on but with a sense of balance and inner peace. When used in its prescribed manner, this program can help make a person happier, more satisfied and content.

(ii) The Overcome Anxiety System — Much like the aforementioned package, the Overcome Anxiety system is designed to help individuals with anxiety disorders overcome their mental issues and thus feel more calm, collected and confident in their abilities.

Lastly, it bears mentioning all of the above-stated products come with lifetime access guarantees.

Purchasing and Payments

The Quit Forever System can be easily purchased from the official company website. The program (including both of the freebies listed above) is priced at a meager $147 and payments can be made via a number of different avenues including Debit/Credit Cards, Paypal, etc. All transactions are processed via McAfee and Norton checked security servers and can be verified quite easily.

Lastly, as mentioned in an earlier section, the system comes with a ClickBank guarantee, which allows users to apply for a refund within a period of 60 days from the date of purchase.

Start The Quit Forever Smoking System Here

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