
Advanced Living is many things. To enhance life, to supplement life, to make life whole.

Advanced Living is about brushing your teeth and making the bed at the same time. It's about swiping efficiently while wiping effectively (graphic but this form of elimination is vital in accordance with the universal law of ‘out with the old, in with the new').

Advanced Living is about collapsing timeframes so you have more time to frame.

Simply said, if the less you eat the longer you live, the more food you get to eat, it's about productive movement and perpetual momentum mixed with perspective management. The visceral yet virtually vivid viewpoint of Advanced Living is about multi-tasking mastery truthfully. From diet and nutrition to intermittent fasting and cellular renewal, to fitness activity and workout exercises to health supplementation and wellness program implementation, optimization of the whole is on the Advanced Living's oval office whiteboard.

From outside the box modern-day health hacks to decoding ancient wellness principles, Advanced Living likes to apply the “earth's cold, sun's hot” approach to life. Analyzing the polarizing dualities of each item at hand to give a well-versed summary of the opposing opposites attract notion. Once the full spectrum has been painted, it is easier to what sticks.

  • Advanced Living is about optimizing your life's lifestyle.
  • Advanced Living believes man is a measure of all things smart.
  • Advanced Living focuses on formulating health-enhancing wellness guides for our ecosystem.
  • Advanced Living applies the “watch us work” mamba mentality using the quest-i-on format of how to become one with the whole, building a bond between you, we and us.

Who is Advanced Living?

Advanced Living ambitiously aims to be a fluid force for global good.

Determined and destined to make magic happen, Advanced Living is about helping you own your own future when it comes to creating a healthy lifestyle. Knowledge is power, but execution is transpiring, transmutative and transformational.

While modern medicine, scientific discoveries and technological innovations are steadily coming to the forefront with greater potential by the year, no one can help you execute more than you can help yourself regardless of what miracle breakthrough or ground-breaking research comes next. It is a truth most are not willing to unwrap, unearth or uncover to face the brutal nature of self-care responsibility, accountability, credibility and ultimately preservability.

Advanced Living hopes to help you execute 10X-fold in life by applying an alpha-alchemist accuracy to timely trends of topical health and wellness topics. From researching wearable technology applications or life boosting energy devices, to analyzing dietary supplements or nutritional programs, to investigating industry guides on gadgets and most popular products in intriguing markets, Advanced Living is building a bonafide beautiful boat big enough for the whole world, but it starts with you.

That is where Advanced Living's story begins down a long winding path of choosing to be the healthiest version of yourself no matter what setbacks, shortcomings or sorrows stand in your way today. Living is challenging, and advancing is difficult. There is no secret “Advanced” Living is a difficult challenge to overcome, obtain and optimize during the day to day long haul.

Advanced Living has talked about the vision and mission – to be trustworthy, transparent and timely – and we have reviewed the research process of – finding, following and formulating – and we have revealed the review process of – curating, creating and circulating – and now its time to share the story of an enjoyable journey from going to ordinary to extraordinary when it comes to living a healthy, advanced lifestyle anyone can strive to live.

The Story of has a two-decade long-storied past to its universally-acceptable name and assumed meaning upon hearing the expression “Advanced Living”.

Advanced means to get ahead, lead the charge, think futuristically forward and be bleeding edge next-level at whatever you do in life.

Living means to get animated, awaken the creator within, think dynamically and be next-generation awareness all the time (aka ‘woke' consistency).

Whether you reference health (wellness), wealth (business), family (togetherness) or society (social economy); Advanced Living applies to all of them. From hearty health hacks to wealthy wavy ways, to family forming ties and society's social savviness, there is no part of life that being advanced at isn't admirable, obtainable or sustainable if executed properly and done right.

The name itself is very open to all and there are already many existing communities, home care services and persona-care focused organizations that use the name ‘Advanced Living'; but there is only one and that is parallel to how we aim to care (manage), produce (run), and optimize (operate) this website's content. From a top down, all-inclusive, everyone/everybody included approach, Advanced Living is all about creating alchemy, mastery and wavery for you. This translates into transforming, guiding and entertaining those who are on the same advanced living lifestyle path as the rest of our growing community, the most sacred part of

Your body's health is the most important asset in the world to you. We know that because we walk in the same shoes you do, experiencing the physical body realm along side each and every one of you here. But even knowing the body is your temple, it is not very simple to take care of yourself and admire it like the most valuable personal property ever assembled on earth.

In reality, it is.

Without a sound mind, solid body or fluid spiritual life, it can become extremely challenging to meet the day to day demands without the proper energy, rest and performance mechanisms all working in harmony together. That's where Advanced Living becomes the tagline to our lives, not just a website name. The name itself has instant impact in the psyche to trigger a question of what is advanced living? The quest-i-on prompts an immediate insight into what could be possible if you stack enough of the right odds in your favor in the game of living a healthy lifestyle free of dis-ease and discomfort. Again, it's difficult, it's challenging. But so what.

Once the website name became available, we knew it was the perfect name to bring a message meant for everyone to hear, receive and process. Health is thy wealth and sometimes you need a stark reminder that it is and always has been the highest priority to live by. Advanced Living's path in life turned towards being wholly and wavy, a whole-body holy-soulful way of thinking, feeling, existing and ultimately being. Timeline

While is still humming in 2020, back in the year 2000, at the turn of the century, was registered for the first time ever amid the dot com rush.

advancedlivingtechnologyownerIt's first identity was known as Advanced Living Technology and was all about providing “Elegant Health & Environmental Products for Vibrant Living”  that was centered around having less stress, improving performance, and strengthening yourself against computer and cell phone electromagnetic fields. Mind you 20 years ago EMF was largely an unknown health concern as all of the modern day phones, tablets, devices, laptops etc were not even in circulation near to the degree they are today. The site continued to transition over the next decade into the home of original comfort technology that was helping people with a total body detox. Known for “you have a way with words”, “You Get More With Lesser!” or “Ken is way ahead of his time”, the site was managed by Ken Jeromiah Lesser out of San Diego, California who found passion in joyously reuniting the world and having a high affinity for people, community and service as his main source of motivation. He billed himself as an experienced guide to elegant resources for better living and did everything to help individuals combat the effects of radiation toxicity.

Now, the legacy builders behind the new Advanced Living movement strive to do nothing but enhance upon the momentum and mindset its original owner and content creator started. The conscious concept of protecting consumers and providing quality research as a priority approach is baked into the DNA of the Advanced Living tribe. The talented team of contributors, editors and publishers, along with the combined contributing insights of so many health influencers who help make Advanced Living a reality, our far-extending family is committed to unlocking unique universal truths about living a higher quality of life, naturally.

The full story is coming soon, for now reach out to us on our contact form or email us at [email protected] today. Be on the look out for Advanced Living's brief bursts with big insights! And remember, in a world where enthusiasm outpaces evidence, always seek higher health habits and known truth wisdom towards advancing your lifestyle.

Why Include Referral Links

The known-truth of the matter is that Advanced Living's optimizing the universe approach needs to be sustainable or it will not be obtainable.

The sustainability means attracting high caliber team members who want to work on a life-long super-health journey of compiling what's working now to what's trending now, good or bad. Here are a few reasons why we include direct referral links in the products and programs researched, reviewed and sometimes recommended.

Nearly every recommended product or service review listed has either:

  • a) direct use/testing feedback

1) Using referral links ensures finding the good or service directly from the official source or trusted platform such as to avoid any confusion of what is being reviewed.

  • b) hours of focused-research on curating trustworthy analysis to form a review

2) Fluff-filled counterfeits run rampant in the dietary supplement industry and the nutrition program-based market (diet plans, meal preps, food recipes) can be all about the latest fad rather than sound supporting science (and common sense). Throw in the cheap knockoffs of high tech devices, gadgets and “life-enhancing” trinkets and there becomes an ocean full of hype versus a sea of solid substance to use as a quality resource. In other words, someone got to do the digitally due diligent  work to help curate, consolidate and craft a meaningful outline of pertinent, pressing details about the product or program at-hand.

  • c) direct exposure to trusted platforms that stand by their quality and refund policy

3) The inclusion of referral links will not result in a higher price or more cost for any consumer and it ensures direct contact, number one's purpose above, and manufacturer connection, number two's purpose above.

  • d) a credible point of contact to help ask and answer questions to gain clarity and insight

4) everything referenced here that may result in a commission generated is stated all over the website, including under the image, on the sidebar and at the end of every published piece. Please read the full disclosure about any partnerships and references used here. Advanced Living always attempts its best effort to establish real relationships with quality as a priority people, products and programs. Leave comments, email the support team, reach out on social media, give as many suggestions as possible to help continue the mission of optimizing the universe.

Of course there is also a go-to gut outline overview of what it is, how it works and what problem its solution is for based on its official website and marketing materials.

For the record of referral reward reiteration, when you click on a link from this website we may be eligible to receive a commission as compensation for referring a visitor who purchases. Every review published is our opinion and is not representative of the specific companies that create, own or operate the products being outlined. Advanced Living will not recommend any subpar quality products nor touch free trials unless extremely vetted or detailed terms and conditions made aware where terms and conditions were understood. The Advanced Living reviews are meant to help explain the product in an educated fashion that informs consumers of all the possible and potential components to study and research so users can opt which ones best suit your goals.

Read this for more information directly from the FTC and we will have a page directly on this matter to further expand its meaning and why we fully intend on operating within the governing guidelines and regulatory authority as best as we can to remain truly transparent, openly authentic and worthy genuineness.

The Story Continues has existed since 12-31-1998 and has been in good hands ever since. Advanced Living is about building a community of dedicated, driven and discipline active lifestyle leaders who wake up each and every day with the mindset of alchemy, mastery and wavery. To transform, to levitate, to harnessing creative essence through education and energetic entertainment.

Advanced Living has so much more to share about its story of where it is today. From buying hundreds of books to reading tens of thousands of articles over the decades, Advanced Living's 2020 decade plans are to formulate a one of a kind approach to health and wellness. As a force for good, a cause for carefully crafted content with purpose and meaning, Advanced Living is an online hub for helping optimize your health universe so we can all live well together.

The Advanced Living team encourages you to reach out to us with any questions, suggestions or concerns you may have so we can best assist you properly. Our robust, diverse, well-adversed squad of Advanced Living community creators may not have all of the answers but are never afraid to roll up the sleeves and pull out the pen and pad and get to researching and typing up a review about anything moving and shaking that may contribute to living an advanced lifestyle.