Spring of Life Grass-Fed Whey Protein: 30-Day Curve-Ball Effect Challenge

Reviewing Spring of Life’s Grass-Fed Whey Protein and the 30-day curve ball effect challenge found online.

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The Spring of Life Grass-Fed Whey Protein powder is a supplement that has a 30-day curve ball effect challenge integrated with the use of the product.

It's basis asks if you have ever stopped to wonder why it feels like losing weight is such a difficult task? Or tired of putting in the work only to find no changes? There are a number of factors to consider when it comes to weight loss goals. These include eating and physical activity habits, one’s work environment and levels of stress, the overall quality of sleep and sometimes, genes play a significant role as well.

Speaking of eating habits, the creators behind the 30-Day Curve-Ball Effect Challenge claim that most often, the reason why weight loss is unattainable is because of missing nutrients. What might these missing nutrients be? From what sources can they be retrieved from? Here’s what you need to know about Spring of Life's Grass-Fed Whey Protein challenge:

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What is the 30-Day Curve-Ball Effect Challenge?

The 30-Day Curve-Ball Effect Challenge combines workouts, meals and and the proclaimed “missing nutrient” in a program that spans over the course of 30 days. With as little as 30 seconds per day, consumers are said to witness weight loss, a boosted metabolic rate, increased muscular health and uplifted energy levels.

What is the main source of this “missing nutrient”?

The missing nutrient is none other than conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). CLA is a naturally occurring fatty acid found in a wide range of meats and dairy products. Usually incorporated in supplements, some of its associated benefits include fat and weight loss (yes, they are two different things), lean muscle mass, and maintained blood sugar levels. If you are wondering where the ideal source of CLA can be obtained from, this is where it is most appropriate to introduce Spring of Life’s Grass-Fed Whey Protein.

What is there to know regarding Spring of Life’s Grass-Fed Whey Protein?

Spring of Life’s Grass-Fed Whey Protein is a dietary supplement delivering the cleanest possible source of protein. Its CLA content is believed to come from cows that have been grazing naturally in pastures in New Zealand.

To ensure that the nutrients extracted are of utmost quality, cold processing technique was used. This is trusted to leave essential amino acids, and other vitamins and minerals in its natural state. When combined, some of the positive impacts that can be anticipated include suppressed carbohydrates intake and sugar cravings, lean muscles and a boosts glutathione production.

Glutathione is a type of antioxidant found in animals, plants and bacteria among others. That said, when delivered to the body, it could potentially increase the body’s defense mechanism against free radical damage while improving insulin sensitivity. As for its nutritional breakdown, each serving provides 20 grams of protein, 2 grams of sugar, 3 grams of carbohydrates – all of which amount to as little as 100 calories.

How should Spring of Life’s Grass-Fed Whey Protein be taken?

To attain desirable weight management goals, consumers are generally advised to take one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight or more per day. Obviously, they all don’t have to come from supplementation, but if it is difficult to do so through whole foods, then consumers should consider taking one serving per day with 6 to 10 ounces of water. The ideal time would be either before, during or after a workout.

What does the 30-Day Curve-Ball Effect Challenge include?

In addition to workout and meal plans, consumers will have their own supply of Spring of Life’s Grass-Fed Whey Protein. Its current going price is $39.95 per container, which has been reduced down from its retail price of $59.95. For those interested in making a bulk purchase, by investing in three containers, a fourth one will be delivered free of charge, altogether coming out to $149.85.

30 day curve ball effect


Weight loss isn’t as simple as many claim it to be. Workouts and diets need assessing, proper nutrients intake need evaluating, and consumers need to be consistent. One can do just about anything yet fail to see a significant difference in their weight. The approach taken by the 30-Day Curve-Ball Effect Challenge involves preserving muscle mass, while targeting the body’s fat. This is potentially achieved through not only changes in physical and eating habits, but the inclusion of nutrients, which in this case comes from Spring of Life’s Grass-Fed Whey Protein.

Got more questions that need answering? Check out the FAQ Below:

Q: How many Servings are there in Each Whey Protein Container?

A: As per previous customers, there are a total of 22 servings, each weighing 26.5 grams.

Q: Are the flavors derived from natural sources?

A: Spring of Life’s Grass-Fed Whey Protein comes in either Vanilla, Chocolate or Banana flavors. That said, none of them contain the likes of dextrose, gluten, corn, sucrose, egg, or peanuts. In fact, the flavors are natural. Additionally, the sweet factor of this respective protein powder comes from the addition of stevia.

Q: Does the Grass-Fed Whey Protein come with an expiry date?

A: While the expiry date is not listed, it has been proclaimed that the protein powder expires two years from the manufacture date (mfg.), which is typically printed on the label. This is a required piece of information, as it implies that the supplement has been produced in compliance with Good Manufacturing (GMP) Regulations. That said, once opened, it must be consumed within 90 days.

Q: How does the 30-Day Curve Ball Effect Challenge’s subscription plan work?

A: Upon placing an order online, consumers are signing up to be part of an automatic renewal program. This means that the membership will be in effect until consumers choose to cancel their subscription. Should one be satisfied with the challenge and the results, then by keeping the subscription, consumers are paying for monthly supplies.

Who to reach out to in need of assistance?

The best way to resolve any problems regarding one’s purchase is by contacting the customer service representatives of the 30-Day Curve-Ball Effect Challenge. The number is 1-888-659-4228. The Spring of Life USA company also offers Vegan Protein and Daily Energy supplements.

To learn more about the 30-Day Curve-Ball Effect Challenge, find the Grass-Fed Whey Protein product and reach out to the Spring of Life company for more information.

Find Best Price for Spring of Life Grass-Fed Whey Protein on Amazon

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