The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit is a health and wellness docu-series featuring 22 anti-aging experts.
The 7-part series found at The Art of Anti-Aging features longevity experts sharing various health strategies. By following some of the strategies, you can purportedly “overcome disease”, “look your best”, “feel amazing”, and “live long doing it”, among other benefits.
These are some pretty lofty claims. Most health summits claim to help consumers obtain similar benefits. With so many experts and summits available for purchase on the market, it can be hard to cut through the hype and find the summit that's right for you. We're here to help.
What is The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit? What will you learn during the summit? Find out everything you need to know about the 7-part summit today in our comprehensive product review.
What is The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit?
The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit is a documentary series that took place earlier in 2020. Today, you can get access to the series for $67. After paying your fee, you get access to digital materials, videos, and transcripts for all 7 episodes, which were released over 7 days earlier this year.
The event features 22 health experts explaining how to reverse disease, support health while aging, and stay healthy for as long as possible. The speakers include medical doctors, bestselling authors, filmmakers, business executives, and more.
The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit is priced at $67. However, you can enter your email address into the online form for free to get a copy of a new report called The Top 14 Most Toxic Everyday Products in Your Bathroom.
Let’s take a closer look at what you’ll learn during The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit.
What Will You Learn During The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit?
The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit is a 7-day docu-series, with roughly 3 speakers featured each day. Each day follows a different theme – like reversing disease, taking supplements, or supporting longevity.
Here’s a breakdown of the professional speakers and what you’ll learn each day.
Day 1) Longevity Switches, Brain Decline, Cancer, Super Beverages, Stroke, and Depression
Day 1 explains simple changes you can make to lower your risk of disease and extend your lifespan. It features 3 speakers, including:
David Sinclair, PhD., AO: David Sinclair is a Harvard Medical School longevity researcher who was named one of the world’s 100 Most Influential People by Time magazine. In his portion of the episode, Sinclair explains big mistakes people make to turn off their longevity genes regardless of age, condition, or previous habits.
Ocean Robbins: Ocean Robbins is a nutrition expert and author best-known as co-founder of the Food Revolution Network. In his portion of the episode, Robbins explains simple changes you can use to fight depression and infections, boost immunity, improve sleep, and improve skin and hair, among other benefits.
Dr. David Perlmutter: Dr. Perlmutter is a neurologist and brain health specialist. He explains why 90% of aging is under your control, including the strategies you can use to control aging.
Day 2) The Big Mistakes, Anxiety, Pain, Depression, Leaky Skin, Breast Cancer, and Heart Attacks
This episode features 3 experts talking about alternative medicine, cancer treatments, cognitive disorders, and more.
Dr. Pedram Shojai: Dr. Shojai is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and a Taoist monk. He discusses un-holistic mistakes people make that lead to unnecessary suffering and disease.
Dr. Eric Zielinski: Dr. Zielinski is a natural health and anti-aging specialist who created a film called The Hope for Breast Cancer. He’s an essential oil expert who describes how to fight pain, anxiety, depression, heart attack risk, and more.
Dr. Kristi Funk: Dr. Funk is a surgeon and breast cancer expert known for helping celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Sheryl Crow deal with the condition. Dr. Funk explains what you need to know to fight and avoid breast cancer and other types of cancer.
Day 3) Dangerous Health Foods, Cancer, Heart Attacks, Autoimmune Disorders, Super Herbs, and Turkey Neck
This episode features 3 experts talking about life-shortening mistakes people make, cancer-fighting foods you can enjoy, and energy-boosting herbs proven to rejuvenate and rebalance your body, among other topics.
Dr. Joel Fuhrman: Dr. Fuhrman is a medical doctor, author, and advisor to Dr. Oz. He discusses life-shortening mistakes people make when eating healthy foods.
Robyn Openshaw, MSW: Robyn is a detoxification and longevity expert who created a natural health website. She discusses who to rebuild essential parts of your nervous system, reduce blood pressure, and destroy cancerous growths in your body.
Nick Polizzi: Nick is an indigenous and ancient medicine specialist best-known for supporting alternative medicine. He discusses an “ancient super-herb that elevates energy, boosts immunity, helps sleep, and rebalances the body”.
Day 4) The Missing Link, Fatigue, Hormones, Cancer, Heart Disease, Cellulite, Thyroid, Skin, and Purpose
This episode features 3 experts discussing fatigue, exercise, and other conditions.
Ari Whitten: Ari is an energy and fatigue specialist who explains how to avoid and fight fatigue, neurological disease, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer using alternative therapies.
Dr. Michelle Sands: Dr. Sands is a women’s health expert who discusses how to relieve brain fog or fatigue using specific therapies.
Dr. Michael Murray: Dr. Murray is a natural health expert with 35+ years of industry experience and 6 million books sold. HE discusses a “priming exercise” that helps you live longer and better.
Day 5) Unexplained Symptoms, Bones, Menopause, Skin Worry, Brain Fog, Cravings, and Inner Peace
This episode features experts discussing cognitive issues, lack of brain energy, unexplained symptoms, and more.
Dr. Daniel Pompa: Dr. Pompa addresses pain, fatigue, brain fog, and more using his 25+ years of natural health experience.
Dr. Lani Simpson: Dr. Simpson is a bone health, osteoporosis, menopause, and skin health expert with 30+ years of experience.
Cory Muscara: Cory is a psychology teacher and Dr. Oz guest who spent 6 months living in silence as a monk in Burma.
Day 6) Unexplained Symptoms #2, Dementia, Gums, Cancer, Trauma, IBS, Autoimmune Disorders, and Parasites
During this episode, experts discuss more unexplained symptoms linked to various conditions. Experts also discuss Alzheimer’s, cancer, cognitive disorders, autoimmune disease, and more.
Jonathan Otto: Jonathan is a journalist and filmmaker who has created several films on depression, anxiety, autoimmune disease, and more.
Jonathan Landsman: Landsman is a natural health specialist with 30+ years of industry experience. In his section of the episode, he discusses a specific vitamin essential for fighting cancer, autoimmune disorders, infections, and other problems.
Jason Prall: Prall created a show called The Human Longevity Project featuring some of the world’s longest-living people. He discusses research-backed ways to restore health and live longer.
Day 7) Successful Habits, Enemy #1, Good Moods, the 3 Spices, Avoiding Death, and Better than Silence
In this final episode of The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit, 4 experts discuss breaking old habits, establishing better habits, and using spices and foods to boost longevity.
Wendy Wood, Ph.D: Wood is an expert on forming new habits and breaking bad habits. She discusses research-proven ways to turn new habits into permanent habits.
Dr. Mark Hyman: Dr. Hyman is an author and functional medicine expert who has appeared as a medical advisor on Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, CNN, and more. He discusses habits that could be the #1 enemy for forming disease and shortening lifespan.
Dr. Michael Greger: Dr. Greger discusses 3 things everyone should add to their diet, 3 things everyone should remove from their diet, and 3 spices you should take daily. Dr. Greger is a nutrition expert best-known for writing a book called How Not to Die.
Razi Berry: Razi is a health journal founder and host of the Love is Medicine show. She describes 3 sounds that reduce stress 30% more than total silence, along with a frowned-upon activity that releases stress and boosts mood.
Click Here to See The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit Event Now
The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit Pricing
The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit is priced at $67.
You pay your fee today, then receive access to all digital materials listed above. You have unlimited access to all expert reviews. You also get written transcripts of all interviews.
The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit Refund Policy
The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit has a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase for any reason, you can request a complete refund within 60 days.
What’s Included with The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit?
Your purchase of The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit gives you complete access to the summit and all materials.
You also get copies of 23 bonus eBooks and presentations, including previous summits, health and wellness reports, and more.
Complete Access to The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit: You get unlimited digital access to the summit, the interviews, and all recorded materials.
Bonus Presentations: You also get complete access to the 2019 Food Revolution Summit featuring Ocean Robbins and John Robbins. The summit was similar to The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit, featuring 24 food experts discussing health and wellness topics.
Bonus eBooks: You get bonus eBooks like the Women’s Guide to Solving Depression & Anxiety from Within, Dr. Mark Hyman’s Definitive Food Shoppers Guide, and The 7 Natural Keys to Wellness, among other items.
Bonus Recipe Books: You get access to bonus recipe books like the Big Book of Green Smoothies and Eat to Live: 6 Week Nutritarian Quick Start Guide.
Bonus Bundles: you also get access to bonus bundles like the Complete Human Longevity Project “Gut & Immunity” Bundle.
Bonus Curing Disease Guides: Your purchase comes with guides that explain how to cure various diseases. One report is titled, “Curing Stage 4 Cancer and Terminal Liver Disease”, where two doctors discuss alpha lipoic acid and other natural remedies for serious illnesses.
Who’s Behind The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit?
The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit is published online by a company named The Art of Anti-Aging LLC. That company is based in Geneva, Illinois.
You can contact the company via the following:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-800-535-8418
Mailing Address: 1144 E State St, Suite A310, Geneva, IL 60134-2439
The company appears to be led by Brian Vaszily. As far as we can tell, The Little-Known Life Changing Health Summit (The LKLC Health Summit) is the first product launched by the company.
Frequently Asked Questions About The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit
Health summits are often tricky to find substantive information on. These summits often are shrouded in mystery, with only a basic outline of their experts available to general consumers. This section should explain things by answering some of the most frequently asked questions about this particular summit.
Q: Who created the Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit?
A: This summit is being led by Brian Vaszily. His company, the Art of Aging, LLC, seems to only have created this single summit. In the absence of reliable information about the company's track record or the reputation of its founder, it's pretty difficult to evaluate the company's trustworthiness.
Q: Which experts are featured in the summit?
A: A full list of the experts included in all seven days of the Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit can be found in the above sections. For the most part, all of the experts leading these sessions are respected in their individual fields. The list includes MDs, chiropractors, psychologists, and more.
Q: How much does the summit cost?
A: Access to every episode of the Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit is sold for a one-time fee of $67. While some summits are offered for free, one positive to this cost is that it means the company most likely won't be selling your information or making money from showing you constant advertisements.
Q: What will you learn during the health summit?
A: During the course of this summit, you will learn a number of things, including how to improve your diet, how to properly exercise, how to avoid little-known illnesses and more. The company behind the summit seems to espouse a holistic approach to individual health and wellness.
Final Thoughts
The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit is an online summit featuring 22 health and wellness experts discussing various strategies. The experts explain how to eat right to support immunity, how to relieve certain symptoms of disease, and how to reverse certain conditions.
Overall, the goal of The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit is to share anti-aging strategies and longevity secrets.
You get access to all 7 episodes of the summit for $67, including videos and transcripts. The package comes with a 60-day money back guarantee, and you can request a complete refund at any point after your purchase.
Watch The Little-Known Life-Changing Health Summit Event Today