Back pain affects millions of Americans every year. Chronic back pain is no small issue, and it can quickly become debilitating, especially if left untreated. Consumers develop back pain from a number of habits and incidents, including poor posture, accidents, genetics, and more. Often, sufferers have no control over the back pain that comes to control their lives in later years.
Finding a solution to back pain can be incredibly difficult. Medications are always an option, but prescription pain pills can often be both expensive and potentially dangerous. This might be one reason why many consumers have turned towards alternative methods of treatment to help address the worst symptoms of their chronic back pain issues like posture correctors.
But consumers should be warned that the alternative health and wellness industry is filled with scam products, guides, and companies. Research is always necessary, and there can be no substitute for the advice and guidance of a genuine medical professional.
The Complete Healthy Back System is a guide written by Emily Lark, a certified health and fitness expert who designed the program to teach consumers various exercises and stretches that might help them strengthen their back and alleviate the worst of their pain.
Get Back to Life With The Erase my Back Pain Guide
What is the Complete Healthy Back System?
The back is put through stress constantly. Whether it is during laborious work, recreational activities, and even unfortunate accidents, the body goes through a lot, and the back takes on a lion's share of this stress.
While these stressors aren’t as hard on the back when someone is younger, age can amplify the mounting impacts of back strain. The back isn’t able to handle the same strength that it used to as we age, and this lack of strength can lead to significant pain and difficulty during movement. Rather than getting more and more painkillers from a doctor, the Complete Healthy Back System guide might be able to help.
The guide is designed to help with the soreness that can happen in the lower back and sciatica, as well as the rest of the back. The creators make some big claims about what their regimen can do, stating that the changes to the back will make the user “feel youthful once again.” There’s no drugs or crazy concoctions involved; the entire regimen simply highlights natural methods of pain relief that can also improve fitness and energize the user.
According to the website, there are many ways that consumers damage their back and cause pain, though one of the biggest culprits is sitting. From driving to working a desk job, the spine is slowly pulled out of alignment by our troubling posture and sitting. Without a properly aligned spine, consumers put themselves at risk for serious conditions and injuries. This guide does not force users to move away from their car, desk, or computer. Instead, it promotes a number of exercises and lifestyle changes that can help to mitigate the effects of back pain and stress that grow as we age.
Additional Content
Along with the main guide for The Complete Healthy Back System, consumers will receive some bonus content to promote overall wellness along with their purchase. These bonus materials include:
- The Back to Life full-color companion manual
- The Healthy Back Checklist
The Back to Life manual, valued at $29, offers in-color instructional pictures for a ten-minute chair routine. This guide is a helpful resource when consumers don’t have the time to play the videos or engage in a lengthy routine.
The Healthy Back Checklist, valued at $29, shows a few different tricks that can be used periodically throughout the day for pain relief. It includes different sleeping positions, ways to keep a healthy posture while standing, and dietary changes for less pain (among other details).
Frequently Asked Questions About the Complete Healthy Back System
This section should clarify things by answering some of the most commonly asked questions about the Complete Healthy Back System, as well as the minds and company behind it.
Q: Who is Emily Lark?
A: Emily Lark created the Complete Healthy Back System guide. She is a certified health and fitness expert, as well as a mother. She states on the product website that she created this program because a childhood accident that left her with ‘chronic debilitating pain'. According to her testimony, the exercise regimen included in her guide has helped her become the active and healthy person that she is today.
Q: What does the Complete Healthy Back System do?
A: The Complete Healthy Back System helps to strengthen the back and relieve pain. However, it also helps with weight loss, depression, and low energy levels, according to the guide's official website. There have been no substantive scientific studies conducted on the subject, so we are unable to verify the legitimacy of these claims.
Q: Can anyone use this program?
A: Yes. The program isn’t meant to make consumers fold themselves into difficult or painful poses. Instead, it is made to meet the needs of multiple skill levels and multiple ages. Consequently, users who are weaker, older, or less flexible than others can also participate and reap the benefits of the program.
Q: Can consumers over age 60 participate?
A: Yes! Every level of the program has modifications that can be made to accommodate the needs of older participants. There are even some routines and movements that can be done without leaving a chair, making the guide fully accessible to nearly all levels of fitness and age.
Q: Is this program for a busy schedule?
A: Yes. The majority of the movements and stretches in this exercise program only take about 30 seconds each. For individuals with more time to spare, there are soothing routines that can relax and support the body.
A: No. When this purchase is processed, consumers will not receive any other charges for continued access.
Q: How long will it take to receive the physical copy of the program?
A: Especially with nationwide closures and traffic issues, please be patient with current orders. If you have not received your copy of the program within a couple of weeks, please contact the customer support team.
Any other questions can be directed to the customer service team.
Purchasing the Complete Healthy Back System
Through the official website, consumers have the choice of either the Digital Only package or both Digital and Physical Content. Both of the options are available for $37, though the package with the physical content requires an additional payment for shipping and handling.
If the user finds that this program doesn’t work for their needs, they have up to 60 days to request a full refund.
Contacting Customer Service
Even with the information available online, consumers may find that they have more questions about this regimen they need answered. The customer service team can be reached by either sending an email or making a phone call.
- Phone number: 1-800-390-6035
- Email address: [email protected]
Final Thoughts
The Complete Healthy Back System can be used by anyone with back pain who wants to regain strength, health, and more. This program focuses on relieving pain, but it is more than just a couple of stretches. The guide includes a number of helpful lifestyle changes and exercises that consumers can use to make sure they stay in shape and eliminate their pain at the same time. With a money-back guarantee, consumers might be able to try the product with little-to-no risk.
As always, consult your medical healthcare provider before beginning any new treatment regimen, including guides like this one.