British businessman and founder of the Virgin Group Richard Branson, 69, recently debuted a new hairstyle and his physique, which appears quite youthful. He shared images of his hairstyle and physique on Instagram and received praise by many of his followers.
A few of his secrets on his physique can be gleaned from a video in which he shared he wakes up at 5 a.m. to attend the gym, and a blog post from last year in which he describes his workout regimen. He stated in the blogpost,
“Every day I do an hour of weights and band stretches with our wonderful fitness coach Ronny standing over me and pushing me on.” He added, “I change workouts and muscle groups every other day to give one last rest” and he plays “a lot of tennis and love kitesurfing.”
He also shared in the post his dedication, stating,
“The key for everybody is sticking with it – we all know that feeling of the high we get when we do an hour of exercise – I never want to stop getting that wonderful endorphin rush. But it’s easy to slip into a not today, I’ll do it tomorrow, mindset. You have to keep going even when you don’t feel like it.”
In addition to exercising out and maintaining a fit lifestyle, he shared with the Guardian a bit about his diet, stating,
“I’m mindful of my diet; it would be foolish not to be. If there’s healthy food around me, I’ll eat healthy food. Breakfast could be porridge, fruit salad and green juice. I don’t diet – I’m 6ft and my weight hovers around 178lb – but every year I do an extreme physical challenge, Strive: a mountain trek, a 2,000km bike ride, then a climb. By the end of it, my body’s where it was when I was 24. I’ve stopped eating beef to try to reduce the amount of cattle eating the rain forests.”