Krill Oil Benefits – Review the Latest Research

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The oil is produced by manufacturers from tiny shrimp-like creatures known as Antarctic Krill. It is rich in omega-3 fats.

Omega-3s are vital to the function of our cells, to help with growth and also for the production of hormones that are crucial to our health.

Like other fish oils, krill oil is rich in omega-3s, eicosapentaenoic acids (EPA), and docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA).

There is evidence linking these acids with reduced levels of blood fats, also known as triglycerides. They can also aid in the treatment of certain health issues, such as dementia, rheumatoid arthritis, and depression.

The most efficient way to acquire EPA or DHA is to eat sufficient seafood and fish. These foods also contain other essential minerals and have extensive evidence of boosting heart health.

However, certain people might benefit from supplements such as Krill oil. Fish oil supplements can be a cheaper alternative.

What are omega-3s and what can they do to help?

The majority of the positive health effects of the oils come from the omega-3s that it contains.

Omega-3s are fatty acids with polyunsaturated structure. They're part of the cell membranes and are crucial to ensure healthy growth.

Additionally, they must make hormones that control blood, the clotting process, artery function, and regulation of the immune system.

Krill oil's omega-3s are exactly the same as those that are found in the fish oils: EPA as well as DHA. They're “essential” fats and your body cannot produce them, which means they must be obtained through your diet.

As we said the best method to absorb sufficient omega-3s is to eat enough seafood and fish. Krill oil, as well as other omega-3 supplements, could be beneficial to some. We'll explore this in a bit later.

It's important to know that a 6-ounce portion of wild-caught fish, which weighs about 170 grams, has more omega-3 than two capsules of krill oil that weigh 1,000 milligrams.

Let's now examine some of the health benefits of eating omega-3s or supplements such as krill oil.

Heart health

Research suggests that eating more fish with healthier heart health, a massive review of studies revealed there was no evidence to suggest that supplements with fish oil reduce the risk of a heart attack or even death from heart disease.

A large study with over 8000 participants discovered a connection between taking two grams of EPA every day and having a slight improvement in outcomes for heart health. Participants also took statins, which are cholesterol-lowering drugs.

There's evidence that omega-3 supplements may lower triglyceride levels. High levels of these fats could increase the risk of developing heart disease.

A review of more than 65 studies revealed that taking daily omega-3 supplements with fish oil reduced triglyceride levels in people with normal or high fat intake.

In a recent review, the researchers discovered that supplements containing krill oil were just as effective as fish oil in decreasing triglycerides.

However, people who have high levels of triglycerides may be at risk of atrial fibrillation when they take omega-3 supplements. Atrial fibrillation could cause the risk of having a stroke.

Omega-3 supplements can be beneficial for the level of triglycerides when you consume them before your levels reach a high point.

Krill oil can have a beneficial impact in lowering cholesterol levels.

Seven studies in a review discovered that krill oil reduced the levels in “bad” cholesterol. But, these studies didn't have a lot of participants, so there's more research needed to prove this.

Additionally, krill oil contains an antioxidant known as astaxanthin. Certain studies link it with higher concentrations of “good” cholesterol. However, research tends to focus on much larger quantities than those found in krill oil supplements.

Rheumatoid arthritis

There's early evidence suggesting that incorporating omega-3s into your diet could help reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

A small study looked at 60 females suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis for 12 weeks. It was found that people who consumed daily omega-3 supplements suffered less joint pain and less swelling joints than people who did not take supplements.

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Health and cognitive

Researchers who reviewed multiple studies discovered that eating a higher amount of omega-3s can boost cognitive function, including memory and concentration, and decrease the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

A large-scale study revealed that those aged 60 to 73 who took regular supplements with fish oil had a lower chance of getting dementia than the ones who did not consume the supplements.

Age-related macular degeneration

The age-related macular degeneration a form of eye disease that causes damage to the part of your retina that is responsible for central vision.

A study of 21 studies showed that those who consumed higher levels of EPA or DHA had a 14% lower chance of developing an early stage of macular degeneration due to age and an 8% lower chance of developing a late-onset type of the disease.


Two large-scale studies of the eating habits of individuals have discovered links between intake of omega-3s and the likelihood of developing depression. However, the studies came up with slightly different conclusions.

One study, which involved more than 4,000 women from South Korea who had gone through menopausal transition, showed that those who consumed more omega-3s had a lower chance of developing depression.

Another study examined overweight or obese people in Spain. The study found that people who ate moderate amounts of omega-3s had a lower chance of developing depression. However, this wasn't the case for people who consumed a minimal or high quantity of the acids.

Krill oil is different from. fish oil

Krill oil is extracted from small crustaceans. fish oil comes from tissues of fish that are fatty.

Both have omega-3s EPA and DHA. However, there are some distinct differences between these supplements.

  • The cost: Krill oil costs more to produce as compared to fish oils, which means it could be as much as 10 times more expensive.
  • The color: Krill oil has a reddish hue. Fish oil appears golden.
  • Content: Krill oil contains an antioxidant known as astaxanthin, which might benefit heart health. Fish oil naturally has higher levels of omega-3s. However, krill and fish oil supplements generally contain the same amount of omega-3s.
  • Absorption Some scientists have suggested that your body absorbs omega-3s from krill much more efficiently. However, a review of studies found that krill oil and fish oil supplements produced the same effects on the amount of fats found in blood.
  • People's smell and taste have a fishy aftertaste due to fish oil. A smaller percentage of people experience this when using krill oil.

Do I need to think about taking it?

In general, eating fish regularly is the most effective method of obtaining sufficient omega-3s. However, certain people could gain from omega-3 supplements.

Alternate options include fish oil that is less expensive and as efficient. Vegans and vegetarians can also consider algal oil, which also has EPA as well as DHA.

You may want to think of EPA as well as DHA supplementation if part of any of these categories:

  • If you are breastfeeding or pregnant, EPA and DHA are crucial for the proper growth of babies. If you're concerned about eating fish during pregnancy, you might want to consult a health professional about supplements instead.
  • Senior adults, as mentioned earlier, research suggests that using omega-3 supplementation later in life may reduce the chance of developing dementia as well as other diseases associated with age.
  • For people who don't consume seafood, a supplement could be the most effective method of obtaining EPA as well as DHA in this instance. However, a nutritious plant-based diet is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, regardless of the amount of EPA as well as DHA you receive.

Omega-3s in the diet

Food is the most effective method of getting the omega-3s that your body requires.

Eating fish has better heart health benefits than supplementing. In addition, both plant and animal omega-3 sources have plenty of additional nutrients.

Omega-3-rich seafood is a great source in the ocean.

There aren't any official guidelines regarding the amount of EPA and DHA to consume daily.

However, according to the Dietary Guidelines Americans recommend eating 8 ounces (around 227 grams) of shellfish or fish every week.

Here are a few options that contain omega-3s:

  • Salmon: 1.8 g of omega-3s per serving of 3 oz
  • herring: 1.7 g per 3-oz serving
  • mackerel: 1 g per 3-oz serving
  • rainbow trout 0.8 G per 3-oz serving
  • oysters: 0.7 g per 3-oz serving

Oysters in this particular serving include a different type of omega-3, alpha-linolenic acids (ALA).

Omega-3-rich plants are a great source.

ALA is the primary omega-3 found in plant sources. It does not perform the same functions as EPA and DHA. However, it's an important fatty acid with advantages of its own.

Experts suggest that women of adult age receive at least 1.1 grams of ALA every day, and adult males should get at least 1.6 grams. If you're pregnant or nursing, you'll need to eat more.

The most potent plants for ALA are:

  • Flaxseed (linseed) oil 7.3 G of ALA in a teaspoon
  • Chia seeds: 5 g per 1-oz serving
  • walnuts: 2.6 g per 1-oz serving
  • Flaxseeds (linseeds): 2.4 g per tablespoon
  • Canola (rapeseed) oil 1.3 G per spoon
  • Soybean oil 0.9 grams per teaspoon

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Side effects and risks

The doctors believe that krill oil and other omega-3 supplements are healthy for most people.

However, there are some dangers if you are taking certain medications or have a specific medical condition.

These include:

  • Omega-3s are known to be a factor in blood thinners like warfarin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen. This can lead to cuts, for instance taking more time to cease bleeding.
  • Food allergies to sea foods: It's not known at this point whether supplements made from fish oil or krill are safe for people suffering from seafood allergies.
  • Atrial fibrillation: Individuals who have high levels of triglycerides could be at a higher risk that they will develop atrial fibrillation or a condition that affects the heart, especially if they are taking omega-3 supplements. This condition can greatly increase the risk of having a stroke.

A few users have reported less serious negative side effects when taking omega-3 fish oil supplements such as:

  • unappetizing aftertaste as well as “fishy burps”
  • bad breath
  • sweaty, unpleasant odor
  • A headache
  • and digestive issues, for example, diarrhea and nausea

Since krill oil is chemically different from fishing oil, it's not certain what these terms mean for it.

Frequently asked questions

There are still a lot of questions However, this is what we know so far.

In the beginning, it is important to remember that the vast majority of research has been focused on omega-3 supplements as a whole but not krill oil in particular.

Krill oil can aid hair growth?

A healthy diet is essential for healthy hair. Some evidence suggests that krill oils could aid in hair growth.

A brief study explored the effects of supplementation with omega-3s. The results showed significant increases in hair thickness and density and a decrease in hair loss.

It's worth noting that the study was conducted using a specific omega-3 supplement; therefore, the findings may not apply to krill oils. Additionally, the study was financed by Inneov, a consortium formed in conjunction with L'Oreal and Nestle.

Krill oil can aid in losing weight.

A review of research findings was not able to identify any consistent evidence that suggests omega-3 supplements may aid in weight loss or reduce body fat.

Krill oil is good for the skin?

Research suggests omega-3s, as well as other nutrients found in supplements like krill oil, can improve the health of your skin, slow the aging process caused by sun damage, and reduce signs of dryness.

But, a lot of these ideas stem from animal research rather than human studies.


Krill oil comes as a diet supplement rich in omega-3s EPA and DHA. It's like fish oil, but generally, it is more expensive.

There's evidence to suggest that consistently eating omega-3s can lower triglyceride levels.

If a person has elevated levels, there are a number of risks that come with using these supplements.

Omega-3s can also aid in diseases like dementia, rheumatoid arthritis, and depression.

The most efficient way to get omega-3s is to eat. However, some people may benefit from taking a supplement.

Patients with atrial fibrillation, are taking particular medications, or suffer from an allergy to seafood should consult with a doctor prior to making omega-3-rich supplements.

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