Traditionally, muscle-building supplements and regimens have been primarily marketed towards men. This is a shame, especially considering the growing community of female weightlifters and body-builders gaining traction globally. While women often want to shed some extra pounds, many female consumers are also interested in adding tone and muscle to their bodies.
She Lifts is a training program by JMax Fitness to help women to get the muscle tone they want, to keep their bodies looking strong and healthy, rather than just slender. Responding effectively to the gap currently in the market, She Lifts seeks to offer women a reliable muscle-toning solution that they can use to improve their own self-image and wellness. Consumers can sign up for the program on the official website.
Check Out She Lifts by JMax Fitness Here
What is JMax Fitness She Lifts?
While there are thousands of programs that focus on helping women to lose weight, there are many women who want more from their workout. They don’t just want to look like they can fit into any silhouette of a dress; they want to look strong and muscular. Unfortunately, just as flooded as the market is with weight loss programs for women, it is equally empty of programs that help them to build up strong muscle that shows. That struggle ends with She Lifts, a women's strength training program created by JMax Fitness.
She Lifts is not meant for the women that want to achieve a demure and slender frame, though consumers will certainly lose weight on the program. Instead, as the website describes, this is “a strength training program for women who want to look like they lift.” The creators, JMax Fitness, have already been featured in Muscle & Fitness, BreakingMuscle, and other publications, primarily for its unique approach.
This regimen doesn’t just take consumers to the gym to use another treadmill or elliptical. Instead, they are pushed towards the use of weights to build up the muscle that they want to achieve. There are many women who lose the weight they want to lose but become sad because their body doesn’t look much different. Even though they have a thinner frame, the lack of toned muscle leaves them looking slender, but not strong. She Lifts breaks the mold and helps women to achieve both.
There are many programs that simply try to re-purpose, and tone down the workouts that men use for muscle toning, the techniques that women need to use are actually much different. For starters, if a women participates in the same regimen that a man does, they will become bulky, which isn’t the look that most women are going for. While the programs do a great job of building muscle, they also can increase the user’s weight through fat gains, taking away from their actual figure. Furthermore, women can train more frequently, as they recover more quickly than men. Every part of the body gets trained up to seven times a week, giving a strong and feminine physique.
She Lifts is presently the only program available that helps women to lift and lose weight for their optimal body. It includes seven lifting programs for women to follow, as well as a lighter regimen for girls who want to have the same physique when they are young. The templates cater to girls who want to train up to five times weekly, and it works with all skill levels, according to the creator of the program and personal trainer/coach Mike Samuels.
Frequently Asked Questions About She Lifts
Let’s discuss some of the questions often asked about She Lifts to get a better understanding of what’s in store for new users.
Q: What skill level does JMax Fitness She Lifts require?
A: This strength training fitness program is designed for women at beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels. Users can avoid the workouts in the program that they think are too advanced for them, and they can also add additional workouts or diet plans if they think they need an extra push to effectively achieve their goals.
Q: Will the She Lifts Strength Training program over-exhaust Women?
A: This program is designed to keep women active, but it also won’t deplete them of all of their energy. The goal of this program is to help prevent plateaus and reduce the risks of cravings that could otherwise damage progress. However, it also works with the natural strength of the body, energizing it rather than tearing it down.
Q: Will JMax Fitness She Lifts Program give women a manly-looking physique?
A: Not at all. This program enhances the natural muscles that exists in a woman’s body. The only way to actually appear masculine is with supplements and steroids that are meant for men. This program is about looking like a strong woman and backing it up with strong muscles.
Q: Are cardio workouts bad?
A: No. Cardio workouts are able to help consumers burn fat and lose weight. However, to get muscle tone, working out with weight is a necessity. This is what separates many traditional female workout plans from the She Lifts plan. Workout plans that emphasize cardio maximize weight loss but often fail to contribute to significant muscle growth in users.
Q: Does She Lifts Strength Training Program include a diet?
A: She Lifts comes with a Nutrition Guide, which teaches consumers how to change the way that they eat to meet the needs of their own body without giving up all of the foods they love.
Q: How quickly will users see results with JMax Fitness She Lifts?
A: Though every person is different, the She Lifts program can help women gain up to 12 pounds of muscle in their first year, while helping them to increase their lifts by up to 30 pounds in a matter of six months. Consumers can also expect to lose about five pounds off of their body per month. As with any weight loss plan, we recommend that users consult their healthcare provider in order to manage their expectations and set realistic goals and timelines for their use of She Lifts.
Any other inquiries can be brought to the attention of the customer service team.
Purchasing Access to She Lifts
To get all of the information described in this guide, consumers just need to pay $97 for immediate access to She Lifts, which can only be ordered on the official website. With the purchase, the user will immediately receive:
- She Lifts Main Manual, which can be viewed on a tablet, smartphone, or computer.
- She Lifts Nutrition Guide, an instructional document that shows users how to calculate the right carbs, protein, and fat for their body
- She Lifts Exercise Video Library, which shows users how to do every exercise in the program.
- She Lifts Getting Started Guide, which shows users the seven steps they must take on to be successful in the program.
- She Lifts Muscle Building Program, which shows users how to get the major 12-lb. muscle gains during the first year of workouts
- She Lifts Powerlifting Program, which shows how to increase the weight that users lift, along with a three-week program to increase squats, deadlifts, and more
- She Lifts Fat Loss Program, for women who want to lose fat and get a leaner figure while lifting
- She Lifts Strength Program, which includes different regimens for women who want to use it between two and five times a week
Users also gain access to several bonus guides, including the “Discovering Yourself” manual and “How to Test Your Maxes.” This bonus content is available at no additional price, though it can make a major difference in the results of the regimen.
If this program turns out to not be the right fit for the user, it comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee.
Final Thoughts
She Lifts caters to the needs of women who want to look strong and fit without losing their femininity. With programs that are simple to use, cater to all skill levels and all workout frequencies, consumers can also get support for their diet with the muscle nutritional guides that come with the content. Considering the lengthy return policy, consumers have nothing to lose but fat and all of the muscle tone they want to gain at their disposal by giving this program a shot.