Phytage Labs Immunity 911: Reviewing the Supplement Research

Phytage Labs Immunity 911 supplement is an advanced immune booster formula combining superfruits, herbs, antioxidants and mushroom blends meant to help fight infections and bodily toxins.

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As the deadly COVID-19 Coronavirus rampages in many parts of the world, consumers are showing a renewed interest in immunity boosters and immunity supplements alike. This makes sense, given that general bodily immunity helps to fight illnesses, infections, and viruses. However, readers should be cautioned that there is no known cure to the COVID-19 virus. While general immunity boosters are relatively recognized as effective by some medical researchers, these immunity supplements likely do not prevent the current COVID-19 virus, and consumers should be cautious about any company claiming that their product can protect them from the Coronavirus.

Read more about our official statement on supplements and COVID-19 here. But even if immunity supplements are ineffective at curing or preventing the COVID-19 virus, these supplements can still be valuable in helping to naturally boost the immunity of consumers, which can come with a number of unique benefits.

Immunity 911 is an immunity supplement that made by PhytAge Laboratories. It includes a variety of helpful vitamins and nutrients that can help to improve both bodily immunity and general wellness in consumers. Our review of Immunity 911 will address some of the most important components of this product, including a selection of the most frequently asked questions about Immunity 911 and its creators.


What is Immunity 911?

With the spread of world wide illness and COVID-19 getting worse by the day, consumers continue to turn to various supplements that promise to boost general immunity. While we cannot speak to the effectiveness of any supplement in helping to prevent this virus, there is merit to the goal of increasing immunity. Some supplements can help to provide the immune system with the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that it needs to fight off the worst of illnesses.

Immunity 911 offers support from some ingredients that can only be found in the Himalayan mountains, where indigenous tribes have used them for their medicinal benefits for centuries. Studies conducted on the centenarians by the Union of International Health Research and found that indigenous peoples in these mountains have nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich soils to grow the foods they eat, which attributes to the reason for their immunity and longevity from diseases and viruses that plague the rest of the world.

Apparently, this group of people survived the Spanish Flu of 1918, showing that there is a strong connection between immunity and nutrition in people 60 years and older. Immunity 911 offers the same nourishment that these centenarians consumed in a way that other formulas don’t. The supplement claims to help users to:

  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Fight disease
  • Promote anti-aging support
  • Improve energy levels
  • Reduce high blood pressure
  • Lower cholesterol levels
  • Prevent infections
  • Balance pH levels
  • Reduce inflammation

Read on below to learn about how Immunity 911 functions in the body.

How It Works

The reason that Immunity 911 is able to offer such impressive defense for consumers is due to the ingredients that are included in the remedy. This supplement includes:

  • Graviola leaf, This ingredient is known for its potent antioxidant support. By eliminating toxins from the body, consumers can prevent illness, inflammation, and many other conditions.
  • Himalayan raspberry, which is a source of phytochemicals and also has substantial antioxidant support for consumers.
  • Himalayan pomegranate, This natural supplement ingredient can boost the effects of the immune system with antioxidants as well, helping to fend off viruses. It also reduces inflammation.
  • Olive leaf, which contains two compounds that are helpful in reducing infections – oleuropein and calcium elenolate. It has been used for hundreds of years as a way to promote a healthier immune system.
  • Mushroom blend, which includes several mushrooms offering unique benefits to the immune system. While the primary mushroom included is maitake mushroom, which offers beta-glucan to boost the immune system and activate T-cells.
  • Turmeric, is primarily known for its ability to reduce inflammation, thanks to the concentration of curcumin. Though consumers cannot usually get enough concentrated support from using the spice alone, this golden spice turmeric ingredient as part of a supplement is much more effective.
  • Pine bark, is one of the toughest and most potent antioxidants found in the world, according to reports from UC Berkeley.
  • Burdock, which offers plenty of antioxidants, while eliminating toxins from the blood and even treating general skin issues.
  • Sheep sorrel, which has most commonly been used to treat inflammation, diarrhea, and more serious diseases. In fact, it is one of only four ingredients to be used in an alternative cancer treatment called Essiac.
  • Grape seed extract, which reduces the blood pressure and promotes better blood flow. It can also reduce the risk of cancer and improve the health of the brain.
  • Cat’s claw, has been used in a substantial number of treatments, including infection and arthritis. This herbal supplement comes from a tropical vine, and indicates that it is helpful to the strength of the immune system.
  • Garlic, is one of the biggest boosters for the immune system. In fact, there’s been numerous reports that show that garlic is able to help with the common cold.
  • Selenium, which is helpful to consumers that struggle with inflammation, while promoting better immunity.
  • Vitamin E, is used in many skincare products for its anti-aging effects. In this formula is used to improve immunity and potentially improve heart conditions.
  • Vitamin C, which helps with many bodily functions and provides support for the immune system and the healing of wounds. See more benefits of Vitamin C here.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Immunity 911

Especially in the wake of the misinformation stemming from fear of the current outbreak, consumers are right to question nearly everything. This section will answer some of the most commonly asked questions about both Immunity 911 and the company behind it.

Q: Will Immunity 911 work for anyone?

A: While the supplement is formulated to work for the average consumer, every person is different. Before beginning any supplement use, we recommend that you consult your physician to understand your individual needs and begin to manage your expectations properly.

Q: What is in Immunity 911?

A: Immunity 911 includes graviola leaf, Himalayan raspberry, Himalayan pomegranate, olive leaf, mushroom blend, turmeric, pine bark, burdock, sheep sorrel , grape seed extract, cat’s claw, garlic, selenium, vitamin E, and vitamin C.

Q: How much of Immunity 911 should be taken daily?

A: Users should take two capsules a day to get the desired effects. Immunity supplements should be taken consistently at around the same time each day to see their promised effects, and every consumer might experience different results.

Q: What if Immunity 911 doesn’t work?

A: If the user finds that this formula doesn’t work for them, they can return the product within 90 days to get a full refund.

Any other question can be directed to the customer service team.

Purchasing Immunity 911

The only place that consumers can currently buy Immunity 911 is through the official website, which has several packages available. Purchasing options include:

  • One bottle: $69.95
  • Two bottles: $119.90
  • Four bottles: $199.80

Every purchase is covered by a 90 day money-back guarantee.

Additional Materials

Along with the supplement, consumers will have two gifts provided to them at no extra cost with their shipment. These gifts include two e-books: How to Bolster Your Immune System and Fight Off Sickness, and Everything You Need to Know About the Immune System.

While the first book focuses on teaching readers to understand the way that the immune system works at a basic level, while the second book explains how to keep the immune system healthy and how to recognize if the body is experiencing low immunity. Both of the guides are available digitally, valued at $39 each, and cost nothing for the customer.

Contacting Customer Service

Even with the information available online, consumers may have other questions about Immunity 911 and their order. The customer service team can be reached by calling 1-800-822-5753 or sending an email to [email protected].

Final Thoughts

Immunity 911 makes a lot of promises about helping consumers to maximize the effectiveness of their immune systems. While some immune supplements are surely effective at helping increase general immunity, we caution consumers to be cautious with approaching any supplement as a potential cure to the present epidemic. As always, manage your expectations, do the research, and speak to your doctor before use.

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Live Healthier
Live Healthier
Advanced Living is a leading lifestyle wellness enhancement movement that highlights health awareness, provides educational research and delivers perpetual knowledge on how to live your best life in 2024 and beyond so you can master the art of aging gracefully in this lifetime. From high energy insights on trending news to truth-seeking analysis for supplement reviews, Advanced Living exists to optimize your well-being universe and act as a genuine guide for personal transformation, spiritual enlightenment and essential wholeness. may receive a small reward on product purchases using links within reviews. For optimal transparency, see the full disclosure on how this process works to support our team’s mission of creating Advanced Living for you. content provides generalized information only for education and entertainment. In no way is the content here a substitute for qualified medical advice. Always actively seek a professional dietitian, certified nutritionist, licensed specialist or your doctor for specific consultation before using any supplement our team reviews.

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