BioTrust Gut Reg: Reviewing the Probiotic Supplement Research

BioTrust Gut Reg is an advanced probiotic gut lining supplement meant to support healthy gut function, regulation and optimization with 4 powerful ingredients for upset stomach and immunity.

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According to the supplement's creators, BioTrust Gut Reg functions as a “advanced gut lining support supplement.” The gut health supplement industry has grown significantly in recent months, so consumers should always do extensive research before using any new probiotic.

According to the manufacturer, you can take Gut Reg daily to improve the lining of your gut, reducing symptoms of leaky gut and boosting digestive health. These are some serious claims, so they warrant research and evaluation.

The formula uses ingredients like zinc, L-carnosine, L-glutamine, and ginger extract. Together, these ingredients purportedly support a healthy gut lining, promote a healthy immune system, and potentially even relieve gastrointestinal discomfort.

Each bottle of Gut Reg is priced at around $50.

Is Gut Reg worth the price? Does it really work as advertised? Find out everything you need to know about Gut Reg today in our review. As always, we recommend that you contact your medical doctor before beginning the use of any new supplement, especially if you have any prior existing health concerns.


What is Gut Reg?

Gut Reg is a nutritional supplement designed to reduce symptoms of leaky gut and improve gastrointestinal health.

Gut Reg is made by supplement company BioTrust, which markets the formula as “advanced gut regulation and gut lining support.” BioTrust itself has manufactured popular supplements for several years. This particular gut supplement uses ingredients like zinc, L-carnosine, L-glutamine, and ginger extract to create or maintain a normal gut lining.

BioTrust is an Austin-based supplement manufacturer.

Gut Reg Features & Benefits

BioTrust claims their supplement offers all of the following features and benefits:

  • Support a healthy gut lining
  • Support normal, healthy intestinal permeability
  • Relieve gastrointestinal discomfort
  • Reduce symptoms like upset stomach, gas, bloating, nausea, and heartburn
  • Promote a healthy immune system

Learn More About BioTrust Nutrition Gut Reg

How Does Gut Reg Work?

Gut Reg claims to work using three key ingredients, including:

PepZin GI. This is a registered trademark formula combining zinc and L-carnosine. BioTrust claims the formula protects your digestive tract and immune system, citing 20 studies reinforcing these benefits.

L-Glutamine. According to BioTrust, L-Glutamine “supports gut barrier integrity and function” while serving as “fuel for the immune system.”

Ginger Extract. Gut Reg uses ginger to soothe the gastrointestinal lining and support normal gut motility. BioTrust claims that ginger has strong antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that help to boost the immune system.

BioTrust claims these ingredients specifically target leaky gut, helping your body maintain normal digestive permeability.

The lining of your gut, also known as your intestinal barrier, is a major line of defense for the human body. A normal intestinal barrier has selective permeability: it allows “good” compounds to flow through while blocking “bad” compounds, like toxins.

Over time, the lining of the gut can weaken, leading to leaky gut syndrome. As the lining weakens, it can allow more toxins to enter the body. An unhealthy diet, herbicides, pesticides, heavy exercise, alcohol, and stress could all contribute to leaky gut syndrome.

Warning signs of leaky gut include heartburn, nausea, bloating, gas, upset stomach, and digestive irregularity. If you notice these conditions persist over time, then it’s possible you have leaky gut.

Gut Reg claims to help maintain normal intestinal permeability, reducing the symptoms of leaky gut. By taking the supplement daily, you can give your gut the ingredients it needs to maintain a normal level of permeability, reducing symptoms of digestive issues.

Gut Reg Ingredients

Gut Reg contains four active ingredients, including zinc, ginger, L-glutamine, and L-carnosine. Ingredient dosages include:

  • 15mg of zinc (139% Daily Value)
  • 500mg of L-glutamine
  • 250mg of ginger extract
  • 75mg of zinc L-carnosine (from PepZin)

Inactive ingredients include gelatin, microcrystalline, cellulose, vegetable stearates, silicon dioxide, and cholecalciferol. A full breakdown of ingredients is included on the nutritional label for the supplement included below.

biotrust gut reg probiotic supplement facts

Scientific Evidence for Gut Reg

BioTrust has not conducted any clinical trials or scientific studies on Gut Reg. However, they cite a number of research studies backing the effectiveness of the specific ingredients in their formula. This is not irregular for supplement companies, considering that research trials are often expensive and difficult to conduct.

The company claims that zinc and L-carnosine, for example, have been used for 25+ years and have been shown to work in 20+ published studies. BioTrust also cites a study showing that L-glutamine promotes small intestinal cell function and gut lining integrity. Finally, they cite another study showing that ginger supports the immune system.

Let’s take a closer look at the evidence.

First, zinc has been shown to modify the tight junctions of the intestinal lining, helping to limit gut permeability, which is why zinc is a popular gut health supplement. This 2014 study reviewed available evidence on digestive health and zinc, finding that zinc supplementation “could be a highly inexpensive and, within well-described daily dosage limits, quite safe, prophylactic measure against several distinct classes of GI disease”. Researchers also added that zinc could reduce the morbidity of certain established diseases.

Researchers have published studies on zinc carnosine, which is the compound in Gut Reg. This study in 2007 reviewed available evidence and concluded that zinc carnosine “stabilises gut mucosa”, improving gut health. They recommended further studies. Over the years, other studies have reinforced these benefits, showing that PepZin (zinc carnosine) can support good gut health.

What about ginger? Ginger is a traditional remedy for gut issues. Today, we know ginger improves digestion by stimulating hydrochloric acid, which helps your body digest proteins, and bile, which helps digest fats. This review study in 2019 concluded that ginger could reduce symptoms of vomiting and nausea with limited risk of side effects. Other studies have linked ginger to other digestive benefits due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Finally, Gut Reg also uses L-glutamine, which is rumored to reduce symptoms of leaky gut. This study published in 2012 examined the role glutamine played in protecting gut lining. Researchers concluded that glutamine was “an essential nutrient for gut mucosal epithelial growth, differentiation, mucosal integrity and barrier function”. In other words, glutamine played an important role in maintaining the gut lining barrier function of your digestive system.

Overall, it seems that the evidence cited by BioTrust is reputable and accurate. While the precise benefits of the supplement might vary from person to person, it appears that the ingredients in Gut Reg are effective in helping to promote gut health and immunity.

About BioTrust

Gut Reg is made by a supplement company named BioTrust. BioTrust, also known as BioTRUST Nutrition, is headquartered in Austin, Texas.

In addition to selling Gut Reg, BioTrust makes a range of other trendy supplements. Popular supplement categories include proteins, immune support, digestive health, and anti-aging. Notable products include Keto Elevate, Ageless Multi-Collagen, and the BioTrust Low Carb Protein Powder Blend.

BioTrust was founded by Josh Bezoni and Joel Marion in 2011.

Frequently Asked Questions About Gut Reg

Consumers are right to have many questions about alternative treatments, and especially about supplements like Gut Reg. This section will answer some of the most commonly asked questions about Gut Reg, as well as BioTrust.

Q: How do you use Gut Reg?

A: Gut Reg is taken like any other supplement. It comes in capsule form, and users are advised to take the supplement once daily. We recommend consulting the official product website to clarify the specific dosage requirements. As with every supplement, you should take the formula consistently to ensure proper results.

Q: Is Gut Reg scientifically supported?

A: Generally, we conclude that Gut Reg might be effective at promoting gut health. The evidence cited by BioTrust is reputable, and scientific studies have supported the use of key ingredients in the supplement for years.

Q: What ingredients are in Gut Reg?

A: Key active ingredients in this supplement include zinc, ginger, L-glutamine, and L-carnosine.

Q: Who created Gut Reg?

A: Gut reg is manufactured by BioTrust, an Austin-based company which has created a number of additional supplements. The company is generally respected in the supplement industry, and they have a number of positive reviews.

Gut Reg Pricing

Gut Reg is available at $40 to $50 per bottle, depending on how many bottles you order. Right now, purchasing packages include:

  • 1 Bottle: $49
  • 3 Bottles: $132
  • 6 Bottles: $234

Gut Reg Refund Policy

BioTrust has the same refund policy for all supplements. You have 60 days from your first purchase to request a complete refund from the customer service team.

You can start the refund process by calling 1-800-766-5086. BioTrust will give you a return address. Ship your unwanted supplement to the return address. You can choose to receive a cash refund, exchange the product, or receive in-house credit.

Final Thoughts

Gut Reg is a nutritional supplement that claims to help maintain normal digestive function, supporting a normal gut lining and potentially reducing symptoms of leaky gut.

The supplement uses ingredients like zinc, L-glutamine, L-carnosine, and ginger extract, all of which have been linked to various digestive benefits.

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