11 Healthy High-Carb Foods: Good Carbohydrates For Weight Loss?

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When it comes to weight loss and attempting to get rid of that stubborn belly fat, many people will tell you that avoiding carbohydrates is the way to go. There is plenty of scientific evidence that carbohydrates are the primary reason why we end up storing all that extra fat instead of converting it into energy. However, this doesn’t mean you should completely avoid all carbs out there.

Yes, it is a really good idea to avoid refined carbs from food which is processed and high in sugars or junk foods that contain high amounts of carbs. Refined white flour and everything made from it should also be avoided. These types of carbs can destroy your metabolism.

On the other side of the coin, we have plenty of good carbs which come from whole foods that are natural and can be incorporated in your diet freely as long as a level of moderation is observed.

Top 11 Healthy High-Carb Foods

Some of you might be partaking in a low-carb diet for a specific medical reason, which means that you have to be more careful with the types of carbs we are about to list. Others should be fine with consuming these high-carb foods that contain a plethora of exceptional nutritional benefits.

1. Oats

Without a doubt, this is one of the healthiest foods out there. This grain is renowned for the amazing benefits it brings to the table, and it also happens to be a high-carb food.

One of the best reasons that you should consume oats is because of their ability to make you feel full for a long amount of time. Oats are filled with protein and deliver 60 percent of their calories in the form of carbs, of which 11 percent is fiber. This fiber is what keeps you satiated, so losing weight is actually a lot easier when consuming this grain food.

Additionally, there are some speculations and research pointing to oatmeal’s ability to affect cholesterol in a positive way. It is capable of regulating your blood sugar levels and improving your good cholesterol levels.

2. Apples

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” was actually created to boost the number of apple sales in the past, but it seems there is some truth to this saying. There are studies that actually link apple consumption to weight loss amongst obese women and even the possibility of lowering cancer rates.

The beautiful part about apples is that there are so many different varieties of them, so while they supply some incredible benefits, they can also do so with the texture and sweetness that we prefer.

Apples usually contain up to 15 percent carbs in them, and they also have a pretty good amount of vitamin C in them which will add some antioxidant power in your corner to help you get those free radicals under control. Otherwise, there are also some other plant compounds which bring a few different benefits to the table.

3. Blueberries

Most people praise blueberries for their antioxidant powers and other nutrients that they have to offer, but even though they are mostly made out of water, they actually have about 15 percent carbs in them. The rest of the blueberry make-up is minerals and vitamins.

The greatest reason to eat blueberries without worrying about carbs is to reduce the oxidative damage which is caused by all those free radicals which form in your body. Blueberries have one of the highest amounts of antioxidants in them; they truly deliver an excellent amount of defense that your body can utilize to keep itself healthy.

Another good reason to consume blueberries is to improve your memory. There has been research done which shows that consuming blueberries can combat age-related dysfunctions which affect your memory.

4. Beetroots

We know beetroots aren’t everyone’s favorite vegetable, but the benefits that this carb-containing root can deliver are out of this world. Its carb content usually runs at around 10 percent but the rest of beetroot is packed with minerals, antioxidants, vitamins, and plant compounds which have the ability to deliver numerous health benefits.

Beetroot juice has been used for a few years now to improve nitric acid levels in the body, which results in lower blood pressure as well as the reduction in your risks of developing many diseases.

These same nitrates which are found in beetroots can also improve physical performance. Plenty of research supports beetroot’s ability to improve your endurance and stamina.

5. Chickpeas

Looking for a legume-based protein source with powerful health benefits? Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are a great source of protein and other vital nutrients.

B vitamins, iron, phosphorus and many other nutrients are what chickpeas are able to deliver. Their carbohydrate content is usually around 28 percent, of which about 8 percent is in the form of fiber, so they also have the ability to keep you feeling full for a longer amount of time.

Studies have pointed out that chickpeas can actually help you reduce the risk of developing cancer. Improved digestion is also another benefit of chickpea consumption, as well as improved heart health. These alone are good enough reasons to incorporate these legumes into your diet.

6. Buckwheat

While its name might be somewhat misleading, the benefits it delivers are right on point. Most people assume that buckwheat is a grain, but it’s actually a seed. To be more specific, buckwheat is a pseudocereal.

Prepared in a very similar way to most other grains, this pseudocereal is actually gluten-free and contains a ridiculous amount of protein and fiber. The amount of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals in buckwheat is higher than most of the grains out there.

Heart health greatly benefits from buckwheat consumption. Regulating your blood sugar is also affected by buckwheat in a positive way.

The taste can be somewhat unique and is said to remind most people of well-cooked rice. Roughly about 20 percent of the calories found in buckwheat come from carbs.

7. Quinoa

This superfood is also a pseudocereal. It’s an excellent source of protein and fiber with about 20 percent of its calories coming from carbs. Lately, this seed has been dominating the healthy foods market, and for very good reasons.

This food is gluten-free and loaded to the brim with nutrients and plant compounds which can help you regulate your blood sugar. The amount of fiber found in quinoa is exceptional, which makes it the perfect choice if you are attempting to lose weight. It also tastes pretty amazing.

8. Grapefruit

One of the most unique tasting fruits out there, the grapefruit brings sweetness, bitterness and a hint of sour flavor to your taste buds. The thing is that this fruit is packed to the brim with nutrients and vitamins and only about 9 percent of its calories come from carbohydrates.

Research shows that grapefruits are able to lower your insulin resistance as well as help you with your weight loss goals. Additionally, grapefruits can lower your cholesterol levels, which is a huge plus when it comes to improving your heart health. There is truly no reason not to get plenty of this unique fruit.

9. Oranges

This sweet and delicious fruit is very well-known for the ridiculously high amount of vitamin C that it contains. Similarly to blueberries, oranges are actually mostly made up of water and only 12 percent of their calories come from carbs. They also contain a pretty high amount of fiber.

Besides vitamin C, this fruit also provides a pretty high amount of potassium and B vitamins. There are also plenty of antioxidants present, as well as plant compounds which deliver other health-improving nutrients.

Oranges are well-known amongst those who are looking to increase their iron level and prevent anemia since they help your body absorb iron. They can also help you greatly lower your chances of developing kidney stones.

10. Sweet Potatoes

This tuber is favored by many people and is packed with all sorts of antioxidants which can greatly reduce the amount of oxidative damage inflicted on your body. The less known benefit of sweet potatoes is that they can actually reduce your chances of developing many chronic diseases.

Potassium, vitamin A, and vitamin C are all found in huge amounts in this tuber. After cooking, the sugars, fibers, and starch found in sweet potatoes add up to about 21 percent its calories, a pretty low number when compared to regular potatoes.

11. Kidney Beans

High in fiber and protein, these legumes deliver an exceptional amount of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. They also contain plenty of antioxidants in them. There really isn’t a good reason not to eat kidney beans.

Remember that you should always soak kidney beans in water for plenty of time before cooking since they are toxic when raw. Ensure you cook these legumes properly; otherwise, you might experience some adverse side effects.

If you are trying to improve your body’s sugar regulation, kidney beans can help you. There are also studies which show that kidney beans can help you greatly reduce your risks of developing colon cancer.

The starches and fiber in kidney beans make the carbohydrate content add up to about 23 percent of their calories content when cooked.

Healthy High-Carb Foods Summary

We live in a world of information and technology, but the problem is that because these are so many sources of information and it’s so easily accessible with all of our gadgets and portable devices, it’s often misunderstood or misleading. The result is many myths and rumors developing which even further spread this misinformation and cause many to act accordingly.

Not all carbs are bad, and there are plenty foods that contain carbohydrates in them which deliver massive benefits to you with very few drawbacks. Doing the research and finding out which foods are truly harmful and which foods should be considered appropriate for your diet is ultimately up to you, but ensure that the sources of your information are credible.

The fact is that refined carbs are what you should stay away from because they do the most damage. These are carbs found in artificially flavored foods and junk foods. So next time you reach for your favorite bag of chips or that glazed doughnut, consider substituting it with one of the foods we listed above.

While cutting out the bad carbs is nearly always a good idea, we still strongly suggest you talk to your doctor before deciding to change your diet. They might be able to help you make better decision on how to alter your diet in order to produce the best possible results.

Your doctor is by far one of the best credible sources of information, and they are a professional who has your medical history at their fingertips. They will know the best course of action to help you adjust your diet to include only healthy carbohydrates.

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AdvancedLiving.com content provides generalized information only for education and entertainment. In no way is the content here a substitute for qualified medical advice. Always actively seek a professional dietitian, certified nutritionist, licensed specialist or your doctor for specific consultation before using any supplement our team reviews.

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