Xero Picks: Reviewing XeroPicks Toothpicks for Dry Mouth

Xero Picks are dry mouth relief toothpicks infused with Jambú that are meant to refresh breath, hydrate mouth, reduce oral pain and stimulate saliva to overcome Xerostomia with these dental picks.

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Xero Picks are toothpicks that purportedly eliminate symptoms of dry mouth.

By using the infused toothpicks daily, you can get natural, effective, and instant relief for dry mouth. Xero Picks are exclusively available through GetXeroPicks.com, where they’re priced between $3.50 and $4 per pack.

How does Xero Picks relieve dry mouth? What’s inside Xero Picks? How do these infused toothpicks work? Find out everything you need to know about Xero Picks today in our review.


What Are Xero Picks?

Xero Picks are flavor-infused toothpicks sold online through GetXeroPicks.com. You buy a package of toothpicks, then use the toothpicks as needed to relieve dry mouth and freshen breath.

The toothpicks are flavored with names like caramel apple, tropical mint, and lemon-lime. Each pack includes an assortment of flavors.

Each toothpick is infused with an herb from Brazil called jambu extract. This herb purportedly has pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties. By infusing each toothpick with jambu extract, the Scottsdale, Arizona-based company claims you can relieve dry mouth and enjoy other benefits.

Xero Picks is exclusively available online through GetXeroPicks.com, where packages of toothpicks (3 to 10 packs per order, 20 toothpicks per pack) are priced between $12 and $35.

How Do Xero Picks Work?

According to the manufacturer, Xero Picks will “instantly eliminate” symptoms of dry mouth. Just use the toothpick in your mouth and gums like you normally would, and your dry mouth will go away in seconds.

Xero Picks claims to provide all-natural, effective relief. Here are some of the other advertised benefits attached to Xero Picks:

Refresh your Breath: Xero Picks claims to use a “patent-pending delivery method” to release natural flavors over a long period across your entire mouth, giving you fresh breath like from chewing a piece of gum – but for a longer period of time. Each toothpick is purportedly “infused to the core” to deliver fresher, long-lasting breath.

Hydrate your Mouth: Xero Picks claim to hydrate your mouth and prevent dry mouth. The company is vague about how it hydrates your mouth, simply claiming that “Xero Picks are designed to help your mouth naturally hydrate itself.”

Reduce Mouth and Tooth Pain: Xero Picks contain an ingredient called jambu extract, traditionally used to treat toothaches and mouth pain. The company claims jambu extract boosts saliva production, helping spread the pain-reducing chemicals throughout the mouth.

Stimulate Saliva Production: This advertised benefit is similar o the ‘hydrate your mouth’ benefit. However, the company claims Xero Picks are infused to the core with ingredients that are proven to enhance saliva production, instantly relieving dry mouth.

Xero Picks Ingredients

Xero Picks are wooden toothpicks infused with an ingredient called jambu extract.

The toothpicks are available in flavors like caramel apple, tropical mint, churro, and cinnamint, among others. However, it’s unclear where these flavors are sourced or where the company uses artificial or natural flavors.

Overall, we know Xero Picks contains jambu extract, and we assume the toothpicks are made of wood. Beyond that, we know little about what’s inside the toothpicks or what types of ingredients they use.

Scientific Evidence for Xero Picks

The makers of Xero Picks do not provide any scientific evidence their toothpick can immediately relieve dry mouth. The company has not run any clinical trials or scientific studies on its toothpicks, showing they increase saliva production, for example.

However, the company does claim that jambu extract “has been used to alleviate mouth pain for centuries” and is designed “as an effective natural treatment of dry mouth symptoms.”

Oddly, the company does not cite any studies verifying these advertised benefits, so let’s take a closer look at the science behind Xero Picks and its jambu extract.

First, dry mouth is technically known as xerostomia. It’s a relatively common condition where your mouth does not produce enough saliva to maintain good moisture levels. Xerostomia is generally harmless, although it can increase the risk of issues over time. When left untreated, xerostomia can produce imbalance acidity (pH) levels in your mouth, for example. People with dry mouth also have a higher chance of developing plaque and tooth decay.

Jambu extract is a flowing herb traditionally used in northern Brazil as both a medicine and a cooking ingredient. The herb is also known as Acmella oleracea or Spilanthes acmella. Jambu has a citrus, herbal, tropical, or musty odor. It also has a cooling or tingling sensation in the mouth.

Jambu extract is used for more than just medicine and food: it can also be found in some beauty products. As this writeup by Cosmacon explains, jambu extract has high concentrations of spilanthol, which inhibits continuous muscle contractions and significantly reduces wrinkle formation. Similar to Botox and other artificial solutions, spilanthol freezes your skin in place, preventing the formation of wrinkles.

In this 2016 study, Brazilian researchers described jambu extract as a popular spice and ingredient in several Brazilian dishes. Researchers also found jambu extract had a variety of biological and pharmacological effects, including analgesic, neuroprotective, antioxidant, antimutagenic, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects, among other benefits.

Other studies have praised jambu extract for its potential ability to boost wound healing. Researchers believe that jambu extract films could be used to treat skin wounds, pressure sores, and infected surgical wounds, for example.

In this 2016 study, researchers evaluated the effects of Acmella oleracea at the chemical level and found that the spilanthol in jambu extract inhibited oxidation activity. Because of these results, researchers theorized that jambu extract could prevent and/or slow skin hyperpigmentation or depigmentation processes. Researchers also suggested jambu extract could be used to control enzymatic browning of fruits and vegetables.

Overall, jambu extract seems to genuinely have anti-inflammatory, analgesic (pain-reducing) benefits. It also creates a numbing or tingling sensation in your mouth. It’s possible the jambu extract in Xero Picks could work as advertised to relieve pain and reduce bacteria in your mouth, although it’s unclear if it increases saliva production as advertised.

Xero Picks Pricing

Xero Picks are priced between $3.50 and $3.99 per package. Each package contains 20 toothpicks, and you must buy at least three packages per order. Here’s how pricing breaks down:

3 Pack: $11.97

5 Pack: $19.25

7 Pack: $26.25

10 Pack: $35

Each package contains a variety of flavors, including caramel apple, tropical mint, orange, lemon-lime, churro, and cinnamint.

All prices include shipping.

Xero Picks Refund Policy

Your Xero Picks purchase comes with a 30-day refund policy. You can request a complete refund within 30 days, although original shipping costs are non-refundable, and you must pay for your own return shipping. Your Xero Picks must also be in their original packaging to qualify for a refund.

Who’s Behind Xero Picks?

The makers of Xero Picks provide limited information about themselves online. It’s unclear where Xero Picks are manufactured or where the ingredients are sourced.

However, the company provides transparent contact information by phone, email, and mail:

Phone: (855) 384-6062

Email: [email protected]

Mailing Address: PO Box 14886 8175 E Evans Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85267

Final Word

Xero Picks are toothpicks infused with jambu extract and flavors. By using the toothpicks daily, you can purportedly relieve pain and instantly boost saliva production.

Jambu extract is an herb found in northern Brazil. Traditionally, jambu extract was used as a food and medicine for centuries. Today, the company behind Xero Picks claims you can use jambu extract to relieve dry mouth instantly.

Overall, science shows jambu extract has some pain-relieving, numbing, tingling, and antioxidant effects, although it’s unclear if the toothpicks will really boost saliva production as advertised. However, Xero Picks comes with a 30-day refund policy – so if the toothpicks don’t relieve your dry mouth, you can request a complete refund (minus shipping).

To learn more about Xero Picks and how they work, visit online today at GetXeroPicks.com.

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