TamaSlim: Review Svelte Naturals Garcinia Cambogia Supplement

TamaSlim by Svelte Naturals is a high quality garcinia cambogia supplement with natural plant-based ingredients that accelerate weight loss results due to boosting burning fat and metabolism properties.

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TamaSlim is a diet pill that uses Garcinia Cambogia to help you lose weight.

The supplement contains a highly-concentrated form of Garcinia Cambogia that purportedly affects metabolism and appetite, helping you lose weight. By taking TamaSlim daily, you can reduce cravings, boost weight loss, and boost metabolism, among other benefits.

What is TamaSlim, and how does it work? Can you really lose weight taking TamaSlim? Find out everything you need to know about TamaSlim and how it works today in our review.


What is TamaSlim?

TamaSlim is a nutritional supplement sold online through TamaSlim.com. Svelte Naturals, a Florida-based company, make the supplement.

Svelte Naturals claims their formula can activate your body’s metabolism and reduce appetite cravings, both of which accelerate weight loss.

When you get fewer cravings, you eat less food. When you have a better metabolism, your body processes calories more efficiently. Both of these things help you lose weight.

As part of a 2020 marketing campaign, Svelte Naturals markets the supplement as a way to naturally activate fat burning, boost metabolism, and cut cravings. The company has launched a video describing the formula as “the missing link to sustained weight loss,” claiming “10 seconds a day” can help you lose weight.

Let’s take a closer look at how TamaSlim works.

How Does TamaSlim Work?

TamaSlim contains Garcinia Cambogia, a fruit extract sourced from a plant that grows naturally in Southeast Asia and India.

Garcinia Cambogia surged to popularity five years ago. Doctor Oz mentioned Garcinia Cambogia on an episode of The Dr. Oz Show, and interest in the ingredient skyrocketed overnight. Suddenly, thousands of Garcinia Cambogia supplements appeared online, and Garcinia Cambogia diet pills remain popular years later.

TamaSlim claims to use “the purest form of Garcinia Cambogia,” although it’s unclear what that means. Like most other Garcinia Cambogia diet pills, TamaSlim contains 60% hydroxycitric acid (HCA) by concentration.

Some studies have shown that the hydroxycitric acid in Garcinia Cambogia can boost metabolism and reduce appetite cravings, helping you lose weight. Other studies have found no connection between Garcinia Cambogia and weight loss.

In any case, Svelte Naturals claims their formula helps with weight loss using these three benefits:

Cut Cravings: Svelte claims their formula helps you feel fuller “by supporting serotonin levels,” reducing emotional eating. There’s some evidence that Garcinia Cambogia suppresses appetite by targeting serotonin in the brain, tricking your body into feeling fuller.

Accelerate Weight Loss: TamaSlim claims to accelerate weight loss by “reducing accumulated fat cells” and lowering oxidative stress on the body. Most studies show that Garcinia Cambogia helps with weight loss by reducing cravings, and it’s unclear if Garcinia Cambogia significantly affects oxidative stress or fat accumulation in cells.

Boost Metabolism: Svelte Naturals also claims their formula can boost metabolism because the hydroxycitric acid in Garcinia Cambogia “can assist the body in boosting its fat-burning abilities.”

Overall, the TamaSlim website is unusually vague about the supplement’s benefits and methods of action, and the company provides few specific explanations of how TamaSlim works.

TamaSlim Ingredients

TamaSlim discloses its full ingredients label and dosages upfront. The formula has a similar dosage to other Garcinia Cambogia diet pills, delivering 500mg of Garcinia Cambogia extract per capsule (1,000mg of Garcinia Cambogia extract per serving).

Typically, Garcinia Cambogia studies use a dosage of 500mg to 1,000mg per day, and competing Garcinia Cambogia supplements have a similar dosage, making TamaSlim comparable to other formulas.

TamaSlim also contains 50mg of calcium, 200mcg of chromium, and 50mg of potassium. Many Garcinia Cambogia supplements contain chromium because it could increase absorption. TamaSlim contains a significant dose (200mcg or 571% of your Daily Value) of chromium for this reason.

All ingredients are packaged into a vegetable capsule with magnesium stearate to bind the formula together and preserve it.

Scientific Evidence for TamaSlim

Svelte Naturals has not conducted any clinical trials or scientific studies on its formula. The company has not invested in any research type, nor do they cite any third party studies via a references page. Instead, it’s up to us to research Garcinia Cambogia's evidence on our own.

In 2010, researchers reviewed 12 clinical trials on Garcinia Cambogia and found a statistically significant weight loss difference between Garcinia Cambogia and a placebo. Researchers found that participants tended to lose more weight when taking Garcinia Cambogia compared to a placebo. Based on this analysis, researchers concluded that “Garcinia extracts/HCA can cause short-term weight loss,” although they cautioned that “the magnitude of the effect is small.”

Nevertheless, other weight loss research on Garcinia Cambogia is mixed. In this 1998 study, researchers gave 3,000mg of Garcinia Cambogia extract to overweight men and women, then tracked results over 12 weeks. Researchers found no significant differences in weight loss between treatment groups and that Garcinia Cambogia “failed to produce significant weight loss and fat mass loss beyond that observed with placebo.”

Researchers believe Garcinia Cambogia works because the active ingredient in Garcinia Cambogia blocks enzyme activity in your body. The hydroxycitric acid (HCA) in Garcinia Cambogia blocks an enzyme called citrate lyase. Your body uses this enzyme to make fat.

As WebMD explains, HCA can also raise serotonin levels in your brain, making you feel less hungry. Some studies have also shown that Garcinia Cambogia could improve cholesterol levels, lowering bad (LDL) cholesterol while raising good (HDL) cholesterol.

All of that sounds good, but Garcinia Cambogia isn’t guaranteed to lead to weight loss results. The study above found that people lose 2 pounds more weight while taking Garcinia Cambogia – a significant amount, but not a life-changing amount of weight loss as advertised.

WebMD also cautions that Garcinia Cambogia can interact with diabetes medication, insulin, pain medication, and prescriptions for psychiatric conditions.

In this 2000 study, researchers analyzed the effects of hydroxycitric acid for weight loss. Researchers gave participants 2,400mg of Garcinia Cambogia per day with a 50% concentration of HCA (1,200mg of HCA per day), then tracked results. Researchers found no significant appetite reduction in the HCA group compared to the placebo group.

In 2019, researchers published another major review on Garcinia Cambogia, checking dozens of studies for Garcinia Cambogia’s purported benefits. Researchers in India reviewed the evidence and found that the HCA in Garcinia Cambogia was linked with significant anti-obesity effects. Researchers also noticed a significant improvement in cholesterol. Based on their analysis, researchers concluded that “HCA treatment can reduce body weight gain and fat accumulation in obese subjects along with improving their anthropometric parameters and metabolic state.”

Overall, there’s some evidence that Garcinia Cambogia helps with weight loss. Most studies use a dose similar to TamaSlim (1,000mg of Garcinia Cambogia with 50% to 60% HCA concentration). If you believe in the power of Garcinia Cambogia, then TamaSlim might help with weight loss.

TamaSlim Pricing

TamaSlim is priced at $33 to $50 per bottle, depending on how many bottles you order. Here’s how pricing breaks down:

  • 1 Bottle: $49.99 + $4.95 Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $119.94 + Free Shipping
  • 6 Bottles: $199.98 + Free Shipping

TamaSlim Refund Policy

TamaSlim comes with a 60-day refund policy. You can request a complete refund within 60 days, then return the bottle to the manufacturer to receive your refund with no questions asked.

TamaSlim Autoship Program & Hidden Fees

By default, the TamaSlim sales page has a box checked for the automatic shipment (auto-ship) program. If you do not uncheck the box, you automatically agree to receive new bottles of TamaSlim every month at the prices listed above.

If you do not want to receive multiple orders from TamaSlim, you must uncheck this auto-ship box before you buy the supplement.

About Svelte Naturals

Svelte Naturals is a Florida-based supplement company that also does business under the name Svelte Media, Inc.

The company vaguely claims to source its Garcinia Cambogia “from pristine sustainable locations,” although they do not disclose where the supplement is made or where the ingredients are sourced.

As far as we can tell, Svelte Naturals is an eCommerce company – not a supplement manufacturer. The company has partnered with a supplement company to sell TamaSlim online.

Svelte Naturals is led by Meredith Shirk, best known for her Svelte Training brand. Shirk has 86,000 subscribers on YouTube, and she aims to streamline your mind, body, and life with her “svelte” lifestyle.

Meredith is the founder and CEO of Svelte Media Incorporated. She started the brand ten years ago, growing from just herself to a team of 20. Shirk has several certifications, including NASM-CPT, NASM-FNS, NASM-BCS, and NASM-WLS). She also has a BS in Biology and was a top student in college.

You can contact Svelte Naturals via the following:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: (317) 662-2322
  • Mailing Address: 319 Clematis, Suite 1004 West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Final Word

TamaSlim is a nutritional supplement that claims to help you lose weight by targeting serotonin, metabolism, and fat accumulation in cells.

TamaSlim uses Garcinia Cambogia to achieve these benefits, a fruit extract linked to weight loss and other benefits. Each serving contains 1,000mg of Garcinia Cambogia with 60% HCA, similar to other formulas on the market.

Overall, there’s nothing wrong with TamaSlim, although you can likely find cheaper Garcinia Cambogia supplements available online – including supplements without an auto-ship program or hidden fees.

Live Healthier
Live Healthier
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