Lafolie Growth Serum: Healthy Hair Regrowth Formula?

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Formulated to reverse female hair loss and restore confidence, Lafolie Growth Serum promises to deliver noticeable results within 90 days of use for stronger, fuller, and thicker hair.

What Is Lafolie Growth Serum?

While hair loss affects people of all backgrounds, Lafolie Growth Serum is specifically designed to combat female hair loss by revitalizing hair follicles and stimulating growth in just 90 days to reduce the occurrence of pattern baldness, thinning hair, hair breakage, and dryness.

About 25% of women experience hair loss, with that number doubling over the age of 50. Lafolie is formulated exclusively for women to strengthen and regenerate hair while facilitating new growth by working from the inside out to boost confidence.

Lafolie claims to contain the only FDA-approved hair growth ingredient, though fails to mention it or any other ingredients. The website links three studies completed on reversing hair loss but the studies focus on particular compounds rather than any specific product. Again, because the ingredients are not available online, readers might assume that this product includes them but cannot be sure.

These ingredients are reported to increase the flow of blood and nutrients directly to hair follicles to promote regenerative growth while replenishing existing strands. This restores the youthfulness and beauty to otherwise thinning and damaged hair.

How Does Lafolie Growth Serum Work?

Currently the only information about how to use the Lafolie Growth Serum is that results are seen after 90 days of consistent use. Otherwise, the daily requirements for application are not obviously available.

The website does include a few positive testimonials, though it is unclear whether the claims come from actual customers.

Benefits of Using Lafolie Growth Serum

As the ingredient list is not easily accessible online, customers cannot be sure exactly what compounds are included in this serum. Because the website purports to include an FDA-approved ingredient, Lafolie is apparently alluding to Minoxidil, the active ingredient in Rogaine and other popular hair loss products.

Readers of the Lafolie website have access to three separate studies conducted on different hair loss ingredients, specifically niacin and Minoxidil, that support the fact that they seem to improve hair regeneration. However, it is not clear how much of each ingredient this particular serum contains.

Pricing For Lafolie Growth Serum

At the time of writing, interested consumers are able to receive one free 17-day trial bottle for only the cost of shipping. After a certain amount of time, customers will be added to a subscription service in which they will incur monthly charges for recurring shipments. It is not clear what that monthly charge amounts to.

Should You Use Lafolie Growth Serum?

Due to the lack of information about how to use the serum and its ingredients, it is difficult to ascertain how this product might work. While there are ingredients that have scientific backing for reversing hair loss, it is not clear if Lafolie Growth Serum contains these ingredients.

Nonetheless, it might be useful for those interested to take advantage of the free trial with the guarantee that they can cancel their automatic subscription if the serum does not work for them.

Live Healthier
Live Healthier
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