AdvoCare: Weight Loss & Performance Enhancing Supplements?

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What Is AdvoCare?

To put it in the simplest of words, it is a marketing company. They are mostly known for endorsing anything and everything to do with sports and for their 24-day challenge. This challenge promises to cleanse and refuel your body on a daily basis and thus help you improve your overall health and give you that boost of energy that you always seem to be missing. AdvoCare is based in Texas and they offer multilevel marketing, which some of you might instantly think of as a sort of pyramid marketing system.

The face of the company is Drew Brees, the New Orleans Saints quarterback. He is a devoted user of the brand’s products and a huge enthusiast.

There are four different lines of products that AdvoCare offers. Performance elite, well, active, and trim. Each belongs to their own line and offer different levels of improvement for your health. The main focus across all of these lines is to help you lose weight and keep it off while improving your energy levels and overall health, as well as giving you a boost in the sports performance field.

The strategy for their marketing is pretty straightforward: find a professional athlete and/or coach that might work with them and get them to start using the product. The result is a much easier way to sell the products since people generally trust these public figures.

Some of the advocates of AdvoCare are Jason Witten, right end of Dallas Cowboys, Rich Froning, a CrossFit champion, and Tom Coughlin, a well-known NFL coach.

The major issue with AdvoCare is that recently their popularity has been sloping downwards, which is reflected by Google Trends. Year after year the volume of searches has been going down pretty steadily, and the only time you see any improvements in related topics is around the beginning of each new year, which is attributed to the previously mentioned 24-day challenge which we assume people are attempting to follow as their New Year’s resolution.

So why is this search decline occurring?

Weight Loss & Performance Enhancing Supplements Products

While the main focus of each of the product lines that AdvoCare has to offer is the same, at the same time they are designed to accomplish specific goals to meet specific needs.

Trim Line:

Their trim line is designed to help you decrease cravings and increase the amount of time you feel full. This is accomplished by meal replacement shakes and carbohydrate inhibitors. The meal replacement products help you curb your appetite and deliver the necessary nutrients to stay healthy, while the carb inhibitors suppress your ability to absorb carbohydrates and this results in weight loss. Additionally, they use traditional weight loss supplements that further the effects of their meal replacements and carb suppressors. The supplements also deliver necessary nutrients and vitamins needed to maintain proper health.

Active Line:

Next, we have the active category of products. The primary focus here is to supply products for people who are constantly on the move. Main products are nutrition bars designed with health in mind, and which can be snacked on by the consumers. There is also a completely sugar-free energy drink powder which they named Spark. The obvious reasoning behind this product is to boost your overall energy levels. The same is attempted with another product under this line which is an energy shot named Slam. Slam utilizes the power of caffeine and a huge amount of B vitamins to get you up to speed.

Well Line:

The third category focuses on your overall well-being, called well. To no one’s surprise, this is the line of products that has all the multivitamins in it, including some probiotics, fiber supplements, and a wide range of vitamins and minerals designed to target specific areas. Amongst these products, you can find an AdvoCare branded line of DHA (an omega 3 supplement), zinc, vitamin C, and calcium, which are all marketed as their own individual products. For those who already take some or most of these supplements, making the switch as you become an advocate of AdvoCare should be pretty simple.

Performance Elite Line:

The last line of products is titled performance elite, and it’s a category designed to give you access to all the best pre and post workout supplements that are frequently used by many fitness enthusiasts and athletes seeking to boost performance. One example of this line of products is Mass Impact. It’s pretty much a very classic creatine-based supplement which is designed to be taken before your workout. They also offer many post-workout products too, each with their own targeted niche. Some are gels designed for quick rehydration and others are energy-increasing gels. There are also pre-workout bars for people who are on the go and don’t have the time to make the pre-workout shakes.

Besides these four lines of product, AdvoCare offers what many think is their key product, the 24-day challenge package. The idea is to get you to follow a predesigned supplementation plan which consists of two phases: a cleansing phase that lasts 10 days and a refueling phase which lasts 14 days. The idea is to get your body to remove as many toxic elements out of it as possible and then revitalize it with energy-producing supplements without any toxic compounds.

The star of the challenge regimen is a super powerful probiotic supplement with an additional omega 3 fatty acid and fiber supplement. To finalize the whole regimen, the above mentioned Spark energy is also introduced into the plan.

The idea of this cleanse isn’t very traditional. It’s not designed to eliminate your food intake and substitute it with something aggressive. Instead, it’s more of a supplementation regimen which is designed to improve your natural cleansing abilities through probiotic intake to improve your gut’s health, extra fiber to improve bowel movements, and omega 3 to tie everything up with overall health improvements.

The second phase of the challenge is targeted to help you get your weight under control with various supplements that will help you improve your metabolic rate. Some of your meals are replaced with shakes which are loaded with protein and designed to improve fat loss while ensuring your muscle mass stays the same. Finally, AdvoCare adds another box of the previously mentioned Spark energy drink to ensure your energy levels are up there.

Besides all the products, the challenge program also comes with some guidelines designed to help you eat healthier. The main focus of the guidelines is lean meats, healthy fats, vegetables, and fruits. This is a pretty standard strategy which you can expect from any dietician when you attempt to lose weight the healthy way.

AdvoCare Compensation Program

Unlike many other marketing companies out there, AdvoCare keeps things pretty simple. They offer a distributor startup pack which will set you back by $59 but give you access to their products at the wholesale price. Your job is to resell the products at retail price and you get to keep all of the profits.

There is a small annual fee of $50 to keep your distributor status; otherwise, everything else is taken care of. There aren’t any hidden fees or mandatory costs. Additionally, you earn anywhere between 5 percent and 20 percent of everything that distributors under you sell as commission.

If you are really good at what you do and can move a ton of product, you will be given the opportunity of becoming an advisor, which means you have to purchase $2,100 of products. The benefit is that you get access to even higher discounted wholesale prices. Furthermore, you get more money by earning from bonuses, incentives, and overrides, all of which aren’t accessible to those on the baseline.

AdvoCare Company Summary

It’s easy to see if a marketing company is truly trying to sell quality products or make money off of fees and charges that they put onto people who try to push their products out the door. In the case of AdvoCare, everything is pretty transparent. There aren’t any hidden fees or costs involved, which means you know exactly what is going on and what you are getting into.

The only thing you have to worry about is the initial distributor fee and its annual maintenance. If you want to invest further you can, but there is no obligation to do so.

The marketing idea of selling products through sporting figures who endorse them makes it pretty easy for you to push the product, as well. The involvement of these big sports figures increases the chances that your customers have heard of the product, and it gives the product a more trustworthy feel since its being backed by public figures.

Furthermore, the 24-day challenge is an excellent way to get a lot of product sold while introducing many new people to the company.

Overall, if you are considering becoming a part of a multilevel marketing company, then AdvoCare is definitely a great choice for multiple reasons. On the other hand, if MLM isn’t your cup of tea there are definitely other profitable ways to get extra cash into your pockets without getting involved with an MLM company.

Live Healthier
Live Healthier
Advanced Living is a leading lifestyle wellness enhancement movement that highlights health awareness, provides educational research and delivers perpetual knowledge on how to live your best life in 2024 and beyond so you can master the art of aging gracefully in this lifetime. From high energy insights on trending news to truth-seeking analysis for supplement reviews, Advanced Living exists to optimize your well-being universe and act as a genuine guide for personal transformation, spiritual enlightenment and essential wholeness. may receive a small reward on product purchases using links within reviews. For optimal transparency, see the full disclosure on how this process works to support our team’s mission of creating Advanced Living for you. content provides generalized information only for education and entertainment. In no way is the content here a substitute for qualified medical advice. Always actively seek a professional dietitian, certified nutritionist, licensed specialist or your doctor for specific consultation before using any supplement our team reviews.

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