High Protein Foods

17 High Protein Foods You Should Be Eating: Healthy Diet Additions

People who want to be healthy are always looking for better ways to improve their diet. There are different schools of thought on carbohydrates,...

9 Restaurants With Healthy Alternative Choices: Smart Eating On The Go

Chain restaurants and fast-food joints are known for having convenient but less than healthy food choices, but lately, the average consumer has become more...

5-HTP Benefits: Enhanced Mood, Sleep And Weight Loss?

5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is a byproduct of L-tryptophan, an amino acid, which is chemically produced. It helps the create serotonin and melatonin, which are neurotransmitters...

Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA): Inflammation & Heart Health Benefits

Looking for something that can fight inflammation and oxidation and is easily accessible? Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) is your answer. It is a type of fatty...

Agave Nectar: Natural Alternative Sweetener Bad For Metabolism?

If you have done any research at all about white sugar, you probably already know how detrimental it can be to your health. The...

Berberine: Naturally Lower Blood Sugar & Heart Health Support

There are a few natural plants that are capable of lowering your blood sugar, improving your cardiovascular health, and even assisting you with weight...

Antioxidants: Immune System Boosters Prevent Free Radical Damage

Free radicals are capable of doing enormous amounts of damage in your body. They can cause oxidative damage inside of your system which can...

How To Prevent Bloating: Common Foods & Drinks To Avoid

Bloating is experienced by many people for various reasons. However, the most common reason why we feel that over-full belly experience is because of...

Adrafinil: Dosage, Nootropic Benefits & Side Effects Information

Many people use nootropics today to help them improve their focus or increase their problem-solving abilities, but there are nootropics on the market that...

Essential Oils For Abundant Living Course: 10 Part Masterclass?

Essential Oils for Abundant Living is a masterclass that educates consumers on the different ways that they can integrate essential oils into their everyday...