Supplements Prostate Support ProstaGenix: 2024 Prostate Health Product Review Research

ProstaGenix: 2024 Prostate Health Product Review Research

ProstaGenix prostate supplement for men is a multiphase, verified nutrition, laboratory tested product featured on the Larry King TV show and recommended by urologist Dr. Dudley Danoff to reduce urgent nighttime bathroom trips and frequent urination.


ProstaGenix men's prostate supplement is recommended by Dr. Dudley-Seth Danoff, M.D., F.A.C.S. and has been promoted by Larry King as a natural alpha-blocker with the highest-proven Beta-Sitosterol formula that can improve bladder control, alleviate weak streams, provide relief for frequent nighttime bathroom trips and lower inflammation.

There is a lot of research to uncover regarding the ProstaGenix multiphase product to see if its a safe solution for men suffering from prostate health concerns. Let's start from the top and go all the way down the list of everything you need to know about ProstaGenix today.

Can It Help Stop Getting Up for Bathroom Visits at Night?

ProstaGenix is a supplement promoted by none other than popular talk show host Larry King, and is used to improve the health of the bladder for greater control and fewer nighttime interruptions. The products website also shows an announcement,

“There are close to 200 natural prostate supplements available in the world today. We are honored that we have been named as the number one product in the world by several prestigious rating organizations and by America's oldest non-profit health organization The Natural Health Federation.”

Now that we have a basis of what the company founder Fred Buckley and the company has to say, let's review ProstaGenix natural prostate supplement for men and see if the health benefits, ingredients and formula effectiveness match up to the claims stated as being the number one product to say goodbye to sleepless nights and multiple bathroom visits.

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What is ProstaGenix?

As the body ages, there are many ways that the body changes. While most people expect to see wrinkles or graying hair, one of the unfortunate changes could be the increasing difficulty to control the bladder. Even if the frequent bathroom breaks during the day aren’t enough, there usually comes a time in the night to have to rise from a restful sleep (often multiple times) as a result of this urgency. However, the creators behind ProstaGenix believe that they have come up with a solution.

Prostagenix is supposed to eliminate that feeling of you having to always go to the bathroom regularly. The men's prostate supplement is said to be tested and approved by leading urologists as lab result reports are available and has been featured on the Larry King TV show.

There are many other products on the market, but they don’t come close to offering the level of ingredients that ProstaGenix does. ProstaGenix may:

  • Help the user have more control over their bladder
  • Reduce the amount of times a night that the user wakes up to urinate
  • Strengthen a weak stream
  • Reduce inflammation

Dr. Dudley-Seth Danoff of the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Tower Urology remarked that he “highly recommend[s]” this formula for any man that has “prostate concerns,” according to the official website. Read on below to learn about how ProstaGenix offers these impressive benefits.

How Does ProstaGenix Work?

The key to the power of ProstaGenix has to do with the high Beta Sitosterol count and the Total Sterol Count. Sterols are a lipid class that naturally occurs in plants, animals, and fungi, and the Proprietary Blend for sterols in this formula focus on ingredients that reduce the risk of cancer, reduce cholesterol, and support the heart. Beta Sitosterol, however, is a type of phytosterol, commonly included in other supplements for their ability to naturally heal the body.

The reason these substances are so important to bladder control is due to benign prostatic hyperplasia, which is also known as the enlargement of the prostate gland. One of the most common symptoms of BPH is an increase in the frequency and urge to urinate, and the use of beta sitosterol has been a frequently used treatment for this condition.

The goal of this product is to deliver a high amount of beta sitosterol through the included proprietary blends.

ProstaGenix Ingredients

There are three parts to this supportive recipe, the vitamins and minerals, the BetaRexin Proprietary Sterol Blend, and the Targeted Polyphenol Synergistic Blend. The vitamins and minerals cover many of the user’s daily needs, like iodine, zinc, vitamin D3, and others.

The BetaRexin Proprietary Sterol Blend includes:

  • Beta Sitosterol, which is known for its anticancer effects and the ability to improve symptoms associated with benign prostatic hypertrophy
  • Campesterol, which may help to reduce cholesterol in the body and potentially prevent cancer
  • Stigmasterol, which may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Brassicasterol, which is in rapeseed and canola oil

The Targeted Polyphenol Synergistic Blend includes:

  • Grape seed extract, which has been used for macular degeneration, cancer prevention, atherosclerosis, and other purposes
  • Pomegranate extract, which thins the blood and helps to fight prostate cancer and heart disease
  • Quercetin, which can prevent cancer and help treat conditions involving the blood vessels

Here is a look at the full supplement facts for ProstaGenix prostate pills:

prostagenix supplement facts label

Essentially, this treatment aims to provide the body with a variety of ingredients that are meant to help with preventing or soothing an enlarged prostate, which is a common cause of frequent urination. However, consumers that are worried about their risk of BPH or other conditions with the bladder should speak with their doctor about their concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions About ProstaGenix

Let’s answer a few of the common questions that are asked about ProstaGenix.

Q: Who is ProstaGenix meant for?

A: ProstaGenix is for any man that struggles with their bladder control. The natural prostate supplement consists of 100% safe and natural ingredients and has been independently tested by a third party lab for its ingredients purity and quality of its formula. As Dr. Dudley Danoff MD FACS of the said, he highly recommends this natural alpha-blocker for all men who are experiencing prostate concerns and want to feel like your old self again.

Q: What’s in ProstaGenix Prostate Health Formula?

A: This supplement includes two proprietary blends, plus daily vitamins and minerals. The primary flagship ingredient is Beta-Sitosterol which has been sourced from The Landes Forest which offers a unique potent source of this potent extract that has multiple studies on it regarding its ability to help urinary tract and prostate issues so effectively. The BetaRexin propriety sterol blend is a 1,050mg dose that has campesterol, stigmasterol and brassicasterol along with it.

The other mixture is a Targeted Polyphenol Synergistic Blend containing grape seed extract, pomegranate extract and quercitin. Additional ingredients in the ProstaGenix formula include 400IU of vitamin D3, 150mcg of iodone, 15mg of zinc, 70mcg of selenium, 2mg of copper, 2mg of manganese, 120mcg of chromium and 75mcg of molybdenum. The 824mg of Beta Sitosterol is said to be the highest concentration of this extract beating out other popular products such as Super Beta Prostate, Prosvent, Urinozinc, and Physicians Defense prostate supplements.

Q: How should ProstaGenix be taken?

A: Consumers will require three capsules a day to get the advertised benefits. There is also a video found on the official ProstaGenix website of Dr. Danoff discussing the aging prostate and how it affects your body, the source of ProstaGenix's active ingredient, his famous patients and how clinical trials prove the product works for prostate health.

Q: Is ProstaGenix safe?

A: Yes, all of the ingredients found in ProstaGenix are said to be 100% safe and natural, and their safety is tested by a third-party laboratory. However, if consumers are taking a medication or another regimen with their doctor, they may want to consult with them before beginning this regimen.

Q: How Much Does ProstaGenix Cost?

A: The only way to purchase the ProstaGenix formula is through the official website, and every bottle purchased accounts for a month of use. Right now, there’s three different packages available, include:

  • One-month supply for $49.95
  • Three-month supply for $99.95
  • Five-month supply for $149.95

There’s a 90-day return policy for anyone that doesn’t get the advertised support from this product. Be sure and read the terms and conditions portion which can be found at the bottom of the website before ordering the free trial, as the free trial means you are signing up for a monthly subscription program, in which you have a limited amount of time to cancel. This formula doesn’t require a prescription, though consumers may want to check with their medical professional to ensure that this is the right remedy for them.

If consumers have other questions about the product, they can reach out to the customer service team with a call to 800-801-0294.

ProstaGenix Prostate Supplement Review Summary

ProstaGenix is meant to help men that want to stop going to the bathroom so much while providing support for a health prostate. The formula offers many proprietary blends that are known for their nourishing ingredients, though it includes many of the vitamins and minerals that the male body requires anyway. While consumers should bring concerns of an enlarged prostate to their doctor, this remedy is a simple and healthy way to reduce the risk of a more serious reality.

The website claims ProstaGenix is America's #1 rated all-natural prostate pill and there is plenty of science and doctor-given insights to back this claim up. The only thing left to do is to try out the supplement and see how it effects your prostate health to see if the results others have experienced is merely made up marketing material or in fact a working solution for aging men dealing with frequent bathroom trips and urgent urination problems.

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