SANE'nin Vitaae'si, bilişi çeşitli şekillerde desteklemeyi amaçlayan yaşlanma karşıtı bir beyin sağlığı klinik araştırma formülasyonudur.
SANE Vitaae takviyesi alarak, diğer faydaların yanı sıra “63 kilo kaybedebilir” ve hafızayı “% 90 oranında” artırabilirsiniz. Ek, ruh halini ve hafıza fonksiyonunu geliştirirken zihinsel netliği, enerjiyi ve odağı artırmak için bilimsel olarak çalışılan bileşenlerin kullanılmasının yanı sıra “erken beyin ölümünü önlemek için 10 saniyelik bir hile” olarak çevrimiçi olarak pazarlanmaktadır.
SANE Vitaae beyin güçlendirme takviyesi gerçekten beyin hücrelerinin ölümünü önleyebilir mi? SANE Vitaae nasıl çalışır? İncelememizde bugün ek hakkında bilmeniz gereken her şeyi öğrenin.
SANE Vitaae nedir?
Vitaae, Bellevue merkezli sağlık ve zindelik şirketi SOME tarafından yapılan bir besin takviyesidir. Aklı başında MD takviyesi, bilişi çeşitli şekillerde desteklemek için D vitamini, L-karnitin, sitikolin ve CoQ10 gibi güçlü bileşenler kullanır.
Etkileyici yeni bir pazarlama kampanyasının parçası olarak SANE, Vitaae için bir video ve metin sunumu başlattı. Bu sunumda Jonathan Bailor, SANE Vitaae'yi yaşlı bir kadının “10 kilo vermesine ve hafızasını% 63 artırdığına” yardımcı olan “akşam yemeğinden 90 saniye sonra beyin kenesi” olarak pazarlıyor.
SANE video pazarlama kampanyasını nörolojik inflamasyondan sızan beyne ve hücresel enerjiye kadar her şeyi kapsayan sosyal sinyaller ve kullanıcı referanslarıyla doldurdu. Örneğin, klinik olarak kanıtlanmış resmi beyin güçlendirici yaşlanma karşıtı formülasyon ürün sayfası, trend olan bir YouTube videosuna benzeyecek şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Video, bu yeni Vitaae yaşlanma karşıtı klinik araştırma formülasyonunun bugün ne kadar popüler olduğunun bir işareti olarak 4.10'den fazla beğeni ve sadece 288.000 beğenmeme ile “ABD'de #1 En İyi 000 Trend Video” olarak listeleniyor.
Yeni bir yaşlanma karşıtı atılım olarak faturalandırılan SANE, Vitaae'yi yaşa bağlı bu sağlık koşullarına daha duyarlı olan yaşlanan yetişkinlere yardımcı olacak şekilde konumlandırdı. Şirket, Vitaae'nin Harvard Üniversitesi, UCLA Tıp Merkezi, Yale Üniversitesi, Johns Hopkins Üniversitesi ve diğer önde gelen okullardaki “en iyi doktorlar” tarafından onaylandığını iddia ediyor gibi görünüyor.
SANE ayrıca yaşlanmanın bilişsel etkilerinin – beyin hücrelerinin doğal ölümü gibi – isteğe bağlı olduğunu iddia ediyor. Diyet, egzersiz ve takviye alışkanlıklarınızı değiştirerek, bu sorunlardan kaçınabilirsiniz, çünkü Sane MD Vitaae VitaalMind Tescilli karışımında Cognizin ve MicroActive gibi patentli bileşenler kullanılarak “% 100 isteğe bağlı” oldukları iddia edilmektedir.
Go S.A.N.E. (Doygunluk, Saldırganlık, Beslenme, Verimlilik), kullanıcıların yemek planlarına ve egzersiz videolarına bire bir uzman sağlık koçluğu alabilecekleri SANESolution'ın bir parçasıdır.
İlgi çekici pazarlama bir yana, Vitaae aslında beyin sağlığını ve sindirim sağlığını desteklemek için reklamı yapıldığı gibi çalışıyor mu? Bu ek nasıl çalışır? Daha yakından bakalım.
SANE Vitaae Nasıl Çalışır?
SANE promote Vitaae aşağıdaki avantajların tümünü sunar:
- Zihinsel enerjiyi, odaklanmayı ve hafızayı teşvik edin
- “Sızdıran beyin” ve nörolojik inflamasyondan kaçının
- Beyin fonksiyonlarına yardımcı olun
- Ruh halini iyileştirin
- Baş ağrısını önleyin
- Uykuyu iyileştirin
- Kaygıyı sona erdirin
As mentioned above, SANE is currently marketing Vitaae as a way for older adults to lose weight and increase memory. The company claims their supplement helped one 81-year old woman lose 63 pounds and increase memory by 90%, although it’s unclear if that story is true.
Vitaae Ingredients
SANE Vitaae contains five active ingredients to support cognition in various ways to help heal the body, mind and transform your life. Here’s a breakdown of each ingredient and how it purportedly works to support cognition by reducing neurological inflammation and leaky brain syndrome:
Vitamin D: Vitaae contains 125mcg (5,000 IUs) of vitamin D to boost immunity. SANE claims vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased autoimmunity and increased susceptibility to infection. By helping your body defend against foreign organisms, the vitamin D in Vitaae can support protective immunity.
MagnafolateC: Vitaae contains 667mcg of an ingredient called Magnafolate C. This is a patented form of folate (a B vitamin) that is purportedly more bioavailable to humans, which means your body can more easily absorb it. SANE claims their formula makes your body more resistant to infections.
VitaalMind Proprietary Blend: Vitaae contains 1,800mg of its VitaalMind Proprietary Blend, which includes Acetyl L-carnitine HCl, L-carnitine tartrate, Gymnema sylvestre leaf extract, and omega-3 fatty acid concentrate (With 7.5% EPA/DHA from fish oil). SANE claims this formula can “benefit people with mood disorders.”
Citicoline: Vitaae contains 100mg of citicoline in the form of Cognizin. The company claims this formula is “clinically proven to help improve memory and brain function, while improving mood,” among other benefits.
Coenzyme Q-10: Also known as CoQ10, coenzyme Q-10 could support the immune system in various ways. Vitaae contains 50mg of CoQ10, which purportedly plays a role “in boosting the immune system and physical performance,” among other effects.
Are SANE Supplements Really Supported by Top Doctors from Harvard and Other Schools?
The official website features many SANE Success Stories using their potent product line, including Vitaae, but the is Sane Vitaee supplement legit question still remains.
SANE claims its supplements are supported by doctors from some of America’s top medical schools. The sales page for Vitaae specifically claims:
“SANE is endorsed by top doctors at Harvard Medical School, UCLA Medical Center, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Mayo Clinic, Yale University, [and] Johns Hopkins University.”
It’s unusual for America’s top medical doctors and medical universities to support a specific supplement. However, these doctors are not specifically supporting Vitaae – they’re supporting Jonathan Bailor and the SANE team. SANE has received endorsements from a handful of doctors at various universities. It’s unclear if any doctor has approved the use of Vitaae or recommends using the supplement to treat brain disorders.
Scientific Evidence for Vitaae
SANE has not studied Vitaae in any major trials on humans, nor has the company run any type of clinical trials on its formula. Instead, the company cites evidence from third parties showing the supplement works as advertised. We’ll talk about some of that cited research below.
SANE cites this 2007 study showing that L-carnitine treatment can reduce the severity of physical and mental fatigue while increasing cognitive function in centenarians. Researchers gave 66 centenarians either 2,000mg of L-carnitine or a placebo once per day, then measured the effects. Researchers found that the L-carnitine group had reduced physical and mental fatigue and improved cognitive function compared to the placebo group. Vitaae contains a lower dose of L-carnitine than the dose used in this study, so it’s unclear how the supplement compares to this research.
SANE also cites this 2016 study, where researchers reviewed studies on weight loss and L-carnitine. Researchers found L-carnitine supported weight loss compared to a placebo.
To support the use of citicoline in Vitaee, SANE cites this 2012 study published in Food and Nutrition Sciences. In that study, researchers gave 60 healthy adult women between ages 40 and 60 an oral dose of 250mg of citicoline, 500mg of citicoline, or a placebo for 28 days. Researchers found that the citicoline group had better cognitive ability than the placebo, although there was no significant difference in the 250mg or 500mg doses. Vitaae contains a much lower dose of citicoline, with 100mg of citicoline per serving.
SANE also cites various studies supporting CoQ10, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and folate for advertised benefits. These ingredients are well-studied for various benefits, and they should work as advertised to support overall health and wellness.
It’s also important to note that SANE claims their formula helped an 81-year old woman lose 63 pounds and improve memory by 90%. As far as we can tell, that study never actually occurred, and there’s no evidence that anyone has lost 63 pounds or improved memory by 90% (whatever that means) by taking Vitaae or any other nutritional supplement.
Overall, SANE’s Vitaae seems to contain the right ingredients of various cognition-boosting formulas, although the supplement contains lower doses of most formulas compared to what was used in the cited studies. The clinically proven brain-health and anti-aging breakthrough supplement by founder Jonathan Bailor includes the Vitamin D, Magnafolate C, Cognizin Citicoline, MicroActive CoQ10 and VitaalMind Proprietary Blend of fish oil-based Omega-3 Fatty Acid (EPA/DHA), L-Carnitine, l-Acetyl-Carnitine and Gymenma sylvestre leaf extract as a way to combat age-related mental decline among many other whole body health benefits.
Vitaae Pricing
Vitaae is priced between $33 and $50 per bottle, depending on how many bottles you order. Here’s how pricing breaks down on the official website:
- 1 Bottle: $46.95 + $6.95 Shipping
- 3 Bottles: $125.95 + $6.95 Shipping
- 6 Bottles: $197.85 + Free Shipping
Each bottle contains 45 capsules (15 servings) of Vitaae. You take three capsules per day to support the advertised benefits.
The sales page for Vitaae comes with a $14 upsell offer for a recipe eBook called 99 Brain-Boosting Smoothies. That recipe book highlights 99 smoothie recipes that boost cognition in various ways.
Vitaae Refund Policy
Vitaae comes with a 365-day refund policy. You can request a complete refund within 365 days.
As far as we can tell, SANE offers a 90-day cash refund. After 90 days, you can still request a refund – although you will receive in-store credit instead of a cash refund.
About SANE
SANE is a Bellevue, Washington-based nutritional supplement company founded by Jonathan Bailor. Bailor has written books like The Setpoint Diet and The Calorie Myth, where he discusses his unique approach to health and wellness.
Bailor recommends using his system to “unclog” your hormones, brain, and digestion for overall health and wellness. His work is supported by several medical doctors from around the world.
In addition to selling Vitaae, SANE sells a range of supplements, smoothie kits, eBooks, nutritional guides, and other products.
You can contact SANE by email, phone, or mail:
- Email Address:
- Phone: (347) 979-1735
- Mailing Address: 227 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 257, Bellevue, WA 98004
Final Word
SANE Vitaae anti-aging brain health formula is a nutritional supplement that claims to target low cognitive energy, anxiety, depression, mood swings, brain fog, focusing, metabolism, memory loss, and other symptoms. SANE primarily targets the supplement towards older adults who want to support cognition as they age and want to include 4 brain boosting fountain of youth super nutrients that are meant to lower brain inflammation and even reduce risks of premature disease and death.
SANE promotes Vitaae through an unusual marketing campaign in an attempt to shed light on the hidden epidemic known as Neurological Inflammation. The SANE MD Vitaae supplement works to prevent cognitive decline and boost peak performance by overcoming LBS, or leaky brain syndrome.
Compelling marketing aside, SANE offers a range of research-backed supplements, including Vitaae as its super nutrient formulation to help boost cognitive performance and brain function. Vitaae could work as advertised to support cognition in various ways, although you may be able to find similar supplements available at a cheaper price with a higher dosage of nootropic ingredients. All in all, buying SANE MD Vitaae due to its clinically researched and proven ingredients is a wise choice to start with given the risk-free nature and money back guarantee offered by Jonathan Bailor and company.