As the COVID-19 virus continues to result in illness and shutdowns all over the world, consumers have never been more interested in finding new and innovative ways to keep themselves and their homes safe.
But nefarious companies and individuals are everywhere, trying to take advantage of this crisis to market useless products and unhelpful chemicals to consumers just trying to keep healthy.
Our reviews will help you cut through the hype and paranoia to figure out which products help and which products don't.
Plug n’ Pure is an air purification system designed for use at home.
You plug in the device, and it starts purifying the air. The device purportedly prevents coughing, sneezing, and irritation, filling your home with fresh air for a healthier and happier lifestyle.
Plug n’ Pure is being marketed online by the same team that sells Breathe Green, an activated bamboo charcoal bag that also claims to purify the air.
Is Plug n’ Pure legit? Will this device really purify the air and reduce your risk of getting sick? Let’s take a closer look at how Plug n’ Pure works.
Get the BEST Price on Plug n’ Pure Air Purification System
What is Plug n’ Pure?
Plug n’ Pure is a plug-in air purifier that claims to reduce coughing, minimize asthma triggers, reduce allergy symptoms, and promote relaxation.
You plug the device into the wall, and the device destroys bacteria, germs, allergen, dust, and viruses, purifying the air. The device works by producing negative ions, which cling to particles in the air and neutralize them. Plug n’ Pure even claims to “protect your family from colds, coughs & influenza”.
The Plug n’ Pure device itself is approximately the size of a phone. It plugs into any standard electrical outlet. The company sells Plug n’ Pure for approximately $50 apiece.
Plug n’ Pure Features and Benefits
The maker of Plug n’ Pure advertises all of the following features and benefits:
- Reduce allergy symptoms in your home
- Stop coughing by removing pollutants from the air
- Minimize asthma triggers
- Promote relaxation and breathe clean air
- Remove allergens, bacteria, dust, and viruses from the air
- Protect your family “from colds, coughs & influenza”
Who Makes Plug n’ Pure?
Plug n’ Pure is marketed online by an unknown company. The company does not disclose its name, location, or identity. If you need to return the product, you’re asked to send the product to a fulfilment center in New Jersey.
We only have to ways of contacting Plug n’ Pure:
- Email:
- Address (Returns): 2345 Vauxhall Rd, Union NJ 07083
The company sells just one other product: Breathe Green. The two products share similar marketing. In fact, many of the (likely fake) customer testimonials for Plug n’ Pure are also seen on the Breathe Green sales page.
How Does Plug n’ Pure Work?
Plug n’ Pure claims to use negative ions to attract and eliminate airborne pollutants, bacteria, allergens and more.
You plug the device in, and the negative ions start attracting particles. These particles get drawn into the Plug n’ Pure device or get neutralized. There’s no need to buy replacement filters because there’s no filter in Plug n’ Pure.
The company claims a single Plug n’ Pure is ideal for an average-sized room. Some people plug a purifier into each room in the home.
Does Plug n’ Pure Actually Work? Scientific Evidence for Plug n’ Pure
Plug n’ Pure isn’t a unique device: there are plenty of other air purifiers on the market that use negative ions to remove particles from the air.
Dyson, for example, sells negative ion air purifiers for $500 to $800.
As explained by Wikipedia, an air ionizer, also known as a negative ion generator, is a device that uses high voltage to ionize air molecules. “Air ionizers have been used to eliminate the occurrence of airborne bacterial infections,” explains Wikipedia.
One study from 2003 found that air ionizers can kill influenza bacteria. Researchers installed a negative air ionizer in a hospital and found the infection rate “fell to zero” over a one year period.
Ionizers work by producing negative air ions. These negative air ions collide with suspended particles and give them a charge. Scientists believe the particles join together then fall out of the air, effectively disinfecting the air and stopping the spread of infection.
Negative air ionizer sales always surge during a time of pandemic. The SARS epidemic led to a spike of negative air ionizer sales in East Asia and Japan, for example. During this time, negative ion generators were added to many consumer products, including toothbrushes, refrigerators, and air conditioners.
However, it’s not totally clear if air ionizers get rid of dust. Yes, the airborne particles get neutralized, but they simply fall to the floor or any other surface. The dust doesn’t disappear, but it does get neutralized and inactivated.
Ultimately, there’s plenty of evidence supporting negative air ionization systems. High-end systems can be found in medical settings. Cheaper air ionizers like Plug n’ Play may not be as effective as medical-grade systems, although they may still effectively clean toxins from the air without the use of chemicals.
Frequently Asked Questions About Plug n' Pure
Negative ion air purifying products are nothing new. However, users likely have a number of questions about the Plug n' Pure solution. This section will answer a few of the most commonly asked questions about both this product and the company behind it.
Q: Do negative ion air purifiers work?
A: Basically, yes. Plenty of scientific studies have concluded that negative air ion purifiers are able to cause bacteria and other contaminants in the air to fall to the ground, rendering them useless in causing the coughing and illness that they can contribute to. However, science is not clear yet on how or if these purifiers are able to effectively get rid of dust.
Q: Who manufactures Plug n' Pure?
A: The short answer? We don't know. The company might be based in New Jersey, as users who want to return their products are directed to a fulfillment center in this state. But the company only produces one other product, and the organization seems to make use of a number of questionable marketing techniques. For consumers who are ultimately very concerned with knowing who they are doing business with, Plug n' Play has little to offer in the way of transparency.
Q: How do you use Plug n' Pure?
The Plug n' Pure is used like any other ion air purifier. Consumers simply plug the product in and it takes care of eliminating or neutralizing airborne bacteria and contaminants.
Q: Do you have to replace the Plug n' Pure filter?
A: Nope. This product has no filter. It functions by ionizing airborne contaminants, so it has no need for an internal filtration mechanism. Users can make use of the product by simply setting it up and letting it get to work.
Plug n’ Pure Pricing
Plug n’ Pure is priced much higher than other plug-in air purification systems. Plug n’ Pure is also only available from one source: the official product website. Purchasing options include:
- 1 Purifier: $55.99 + $5.99 shipping
- 2 Purifiers: $102.99 + $5.99 shipping ($51.49 each)
- 3 Purifiers: $139.99 + $5.99 shipping ($46.66 each)
- 4 Purifiers: $179.99 + $5.99 shipping ($44.99 each)
- 5 Purifiers: $209.99 + $5.99 shipping ($41.99 each)
You can pay online via Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and PayPal.
The ordering form also gives you the option of adding a one year protection and replacement warranty for $9.97.
Plug n’ Pure Refund Policy
Plug n’ Pure has a 60 day money back guarantee, although the company will keep your shipping fee. Here’s how the company explains its refund policy:
“If you are not completely thrilled with your Breathe Green Plug n' Pure – we are offering you a 60 Day guarantee on all purchases. Simply send the item(s) back to us for a full refund or replacement, less S & H.”
Final Thoughts
Plug n’ Pure is a negative air ionizer priced at around $50 online. The air ionizer neutralizes bacteria, dust, germs, and pollutants in the air, freshening a room and reducing the risk of illness, coughing, asthma, and influenza. At a time where heightened cleanliness is next to godliness, items such as face masks, hand sanitizers and UV lights are at an all time high, it is important to go the extra mile and ensure everyone's safety in regards to indoor air pollution.
Breathe Green is a highly reputable brand that offers a range of air purifying products, such as Charcoal Bags. However, although Plug n’ Pure seems expensive compared to other negative air ionization products online, at a time where demand is soaring for working solutions, Breathe Green Plug-N-Pure air ionizer is a solid option to add to combat airborne irritants.
If the Plug n’ Pure by Breathe Green may be the right negative air ionization system for you, click the link below to access this device today.