Did you know that one in every ten Americans has diabetes? Among this group, 90-95% are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. The International Diabetes Federation found that 400 million people were diagnosed with diabetes in 2015 alone. A disease once thought to only affect older Americans is now common in children and adolescents as well.
What is Type 2 diabetes, and how is it different than Type 1? The difference rests in how the diseases influence the body's ability to produce and regulate insulin, the chemical responsible for helping the body convert carbohydrates into sugar for energy. When suffering from. Bodies suffering from Type 1 diabetes have trouble producing insulin, while those with Type 2 don't respond appropriately to the chemical. In both cases, the end result is often dangerously high blood sugar levels.
As diabetes continues to affect millions of Americans, consumers have become more and more interested in finding alternative methods of mitigating the disastrous effects of the disease. Many diabetes sufferers are looking for new ways to reform their lifestyle to better live with the disease.
A number of effective treatments exist for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. ZHO Diabetes Protocol functions as an effective home program to help mitigate the effects of Type 2 diabetes.
Check Out Zho Chinese Diabetes Remedy Protocol Here
What is the ZHO Diabetes Protocol?
Created by Zho Lee and Tom Gordon, the Zho Diabetes Protocol is marketed as a complete home program that helps consumers naturally reverse Type 2 diabetes. The program primarily emphasizes Ancient Chinese ingredients that are believed to improve health and moderate sugar levels.
What Does the ZHO Diabetes Protocol Include?
Besides the basic ingredients list, the ZHO Diabetes Protocol also includes a number of home workouts and diet plans, all of which are provided in an accessible PDF format. The ZHO Diabetes Protocol stresses a comprehensive approach to dealing with Type 2 diabetes; diet alone might not be sufficient. Those diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes should consider some form of physical activity as well, as it increases insulin sensitivity and allows the muscles to garner sugars from blood.
Additionally, supplementary information is provided by the protocol to help consumers better grasp the changes they will undertake, as consistency is a key factor in overall wellness.
How Much Does the ZHO Diabetes Protocol Cost?
The ZHO Diabetes Protocol is currently sold for around $40 USD. Given that the comprehensive program includes ingredient lists, workout regimens, and diet plans, most consumers tend to be satisfied with this cost.
Final Thoughts
Overall, the ZHO Diabetes Protocol appears to be an investment worth considering for sufferers of Type 2 diabetes. When one thinks “blood sugar”, food and portion control is often the first reaction. But this protocol looks at all possible ways of addressing insulin sensitivity, which is the root cause of diabetes. That said, its creators claim that consumers may witness desirable results by the end of 8 weeks. If they do not, the company offers a money-back guarantee. To find out more about the ZHO Diabetes Protocol, click here.
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