JUDY is a prepper survival brand that offers preparedness kits that can accommodate the needs of parents in the event of an emergency. The JUDY emergency kits are the first ever digitally-connected product package that ranges from flashlights to essential first aid supplies.
Let's review the Ready Set JUDY just-in-case emergency management and disaster response kits to see what they offer and if they are smart to have on-hand.
What is JUDY?
A shocking 60% of all Americans have no emergency plan, in the event that an emergency situation strikes. These emergencies can come up with no warning, and every family needs to be prepared for the potential circumstances that they could find themselves in. While some families may have created some kind of safety protocol for their family to follow, having the supplies to get up and go quickly can make a difference (like face masks or hand sanitizers).
That’s where the ready-to-use kits from Judy come in. It was reported that over 310 million Americans have been directly affected by natural disasters in the past 10 years alone. On top of that, nearly 57 million American live in areas around the United States that were affected by over five different weather-related disasters.
The name “JUDY” was selected for this company for a quite simple reason – none of the other names that the creators came up with stuck, though JUDY seemed like a memorable brand name. The creators offer various sizes for their products, helping to accommodate families of a variety of sizes and budgets.The JUDY ready-kit emergency essentials are hand-selected by Kathryn Martorana, a preparedness specialist with over a decade of experiencing and handling major disasters. Kathryn has worked with the American Red Cross, FEMA, the United Nations, Oxfam and NYC Emergency Management. She has also been apart of the Hurricane Maria crisis and many wildfires during her ten years dealing with survival incidences.
Let's review the contents of each JUDY emergency preparedness ready-kits and see what each has to offer out of the four options to choose from.
Available JUDY Ready-Kit Products
Right now, the Ready Set Judy brand has several types of preparedness kits – the JUDY Safe, the Mover kits, and the JUDY Starter pack. Each one offers its own collection of well-organized necessary materials that can help consumers feel more ready to fast an emergency. While they are not customizable, the website offers replacements for some of the materials included.
The JUDY Safe
The JUDY Safe is the biggest of the packages at $250. Offering a set of tools, consumers are equipped with duct tape, a flashlight, a multi-purpose bag, a multi-tool, a hand-crank radio, a phone charger, and three AAA batteries. In the event of cold weather, the kit holds four emergency blankets, two candles, eight hand warmers, and two containers of waterproof matches. As each situation is different, the creators of the Safe also include safety (4 ponchos, 4 dust masks, 4 glow sticks, a pair of gloves, and a whistle) and first aid (medical kit, a biohazard bag, wet wipes, hand sanitizer, a quick-drying towel, and two packs of tissues) supplies. It also includes food rations, which lasts for about a day.
The JUDY Mover and Mover MAX Kits
The Mover kits – the Mover and the Mover Max – use backpacks, rather than a box. The Mover kit offers all of the same first aid supplies food rations, and safety/warmth supplies as the Safe. However, users are only equipped with about half of the same tools (flashlight, multi-tool, batteries, phone charger, and duct tape). While the Mover kit is presently sold out, the Mover Max is available for $180.
The JUDY Starter Kit
The starter kit, priced at $60, is only the size of a belt bag, meant to be carried on the waist. The kit has only a fraction of what is found in the Mover kits and the Safe, including: a phone charger, two water pouches, two ponchos, two emergency blankets, a first aid kit, two mini-meals, a whistle, and two glow sticks. This kit is meant more for consumers that are on their own or may already have all of the other supplies that they need.
While the first two kits are waterproof, the Starter Pack is not. However, it offers water resistance. Plus, if consumers aren’t quite ready to take on the cost of the kits, QUADPAY offers the chance to break down the payment into four interest-free installments.
To let you compare the Judy box, we provided some of the top-rated Amazon emergency preparedness kits available:
FAQ About JUDY Readiness Kits
Here are the answers to some of the questions that arise about JUDY kits.
Q: Does Kim Kardashian Use JUDY Emergency Kits?
A: The latest reports show that Kim Kardashian is a proud user of the JUDY emergency and disaster ready-kits. And, with a little research, one can find out that Kim's best friend, Simon Huck, a “Hollywood insider”, is actually the one who helped launch the JUDY emergency preparedness kits. Along with the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star, celebrity actor and wife to John Legend, Chrissy Teigen, is also supporting the JUDY ready kits.
Simon was even on record stating this about his extremely-well timed initiative to offer emergency products to families across the United States via launching his emergency-preparedness company:
“Millions of people are vulnerable to emergencies big and small, and no one is prepared. We’re going to change that.” […] JUDY has been unable to keep up with the demand. All its air masks and one of its emergency kits sold out in less than 10 hours. […] “We still have air masks in our core emergency kits, but we’re limiting customers to three kits per order so there are enough supplies for everyone.”
Q: How do the JUDY Emergency Prepper Ready Kits Stand Out?
A: The JUDY kits offer the high-quality emergency supplies that most people have seen in other kits, but they also include educational information and tips for the user to apply to their circumstances. Their goal is to ensure that every family has a plan to remain safe using well-organized and thought-out emergency preparedness equipment. All of the Ready Set JUDY products are in the Safety Orange color because of its vibrancy and hard-to-miss nature.
Q: How many Ready Set JUDY kits does a family need?
A: The average Ready Kit holds enough materials to take care of four people. For every four people, the user should purchase one kit. For example, if the family is comprised of six people, two kits are required to meet all of their needs. All JUDY emergency readiness packs are available to get replacement cartridges if you happen to use one or more of the components more frequently.
Q: Are the Mini-Meals included safe for pets?
A: No. The Mini Meal foods should only be consumed by humans.
Q: How long will the JUDY food and water rations last?
A: Each kit is created to cover a full day of rations. Consumers should stock up on canned goods and other non-perishable food items to supplement these rations, in the event that the emergency circumstances last longer than a day. The JUDY Mover and SAFE ready-kits are waterproof but the the Starter Pack is only water resistant. JUDY's food ingredients in the Mini-Meals consist of wheat and soybean and are not gluten free yet.
Q: Where can JUDY kits be purchased?
A: Right now, the only place that offers JUDY kits is the official website, as they have not made arrangements with any third-party sellers at this point.
Q: In the event of a crisis, should JUDY be contacted?
A: While JUDY is available for any questions that may arise with their products, consumers should reach out to their local disaster hotline or 911 in a crisis that cannot be helped with these kits.
For any other questions about JUDY, reach out to the customer service team by sending an email to hello@readyjudy.com or calling 1-888-421-9926. There are two kits available right now, which consumers can fill with their selected products from the website.
The JUDY launch seems to coincide with the coronavirus outbreak:
Here is another advocate of the JUDY emergency kits:
Why Try JUDY Emergency Prepper Kits?
The Ready Set JUDY emergency preparedness readiness brand is all about helping consumers to take care of themselves and their families when disaster strikes. Consumers have the option of several types of packages, which is good for anyone that needs to be able to grab their supplies in a pinch. The kits are designed to last for 72-hours of self-sufficiency. With first aid kits and food rations included in every package, these products should be a staple in any travel arrangements or even at home. With this kit ready for whatever problem arises, consumers can eliminate one thing from their situation – stress.
The fact it is the first ever digitally integrated emergency situation and disaster relief kit is also a pretty big deal. The CEO Simon Huck also stated:
“I was inspired to help people proactively plan for emergencies by empowering them with tools and knowledge,” […] “JUDY is designed to help everyone prepare for the unexpected and make it as seamless as possible.” […] “We also have a text-based program to get your questions answered by emergency experts and a series of animated videos on over 100 topics of high consequence events and domestic emergencies.”
In conclusion, our JUDY review thinks this is a pretty sweet concept and the appearance is rather high end. As the JUDY Ready Kits tagline goes, “prepare for what you can't predict.”
The essential products one would need in a just-in-case emergency scenario are all there as no one ever knows when disaster will strike. Being prepared is all about having the right tools, supplies, food, water and plans to guide you through these gut-wrenching stressful situations. From the JUDY SAFE, MOVER or Starter readiness kits, its good to know there are suitable options out there for anyone looking to not panic in survival mode because they made a smart decision of getting ahead of those unexpected emergency events.
For more information on what's inside the JUDY multifunctional essential readiness products and how the emergency and disaster relief preparedness kits work for a best-case-scenario, visit ReadyJudy.com today.